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Wilson, life-rentrix of Milnwood, and the housekeeper of the late proprietor. "What were ye pleased to want wi' Mrs. Wilson, sir? I am Mrs. Wilson," was her first address; for the five minutes time which she had gained for the business of the toilet entitled her, she conceived, to assume the full merit of her illustrious name, and shine forth on her guest in unchastened splendour.

The style, where style is attempted, shows, as the reader will perceive, a taste yet immature and unchastened: "Scene draws, and discovers REGINILLA asleep in the cave. "Enter PEVIDOR and other Devils, with the HUNTSMAN unbind him, and exeunt. "Hunts. Ha! Where am I now? I'll not wake her, lest, if it be a phantom, it should vanish.

It will, however, be contended that in the Sad Shepherd we are introduced to a wholly idealized and artificially refined atmosphere surrounding the shepherds and their hosts, which is yet constantly liable to be broken in upon by beings of the outer world, rude unchastened mortals compounded of our common clay, whose entrance dispels at a stroke the delicate, refined atmosphere of pastoral convention.

"I fear you are indeed a still unchastened creature!" "Certainly; there is no encouragement to chasten oneself. People don't stand by the docile members of Society. They commend their saints, but they drink to their sinners." Miss Du Prel smiled. "It is true," she admitted. "A woman must not renounce too much if she desires to retain her influence." "Pas trop de zèle," Hadria quoted.

Nymphs and shepherds appear as in the pastoral eclogues, but their loves are interrupted by the incursion of boisterous rustics, who substitute the unchastened instincts and brute force of half-savage boors for the delicate wooing and sentimentality of their rivals.

They found Arabella in her room, crying like an unchastened school-girl; and their first idea was one of intense condemnation fresh offences on the part of Mrs. Chump being conjectured. Little by little Arabella sobbed out what she had heard that day from Mr. Powys. After the first stupor Adela proposed to go to her father instantly, and then suggested that they should all go.

This is the absence of interference, not only of a foreign power or of a lawless oppressor, but of the very law itself. The desire for such freedom as this, would in almost all ages of the world have been held inconsistent with proper respect for order and security. It would have been considered no more than the wicked longing of an unchastened spirit, the temptation of the Evil One himself.

I am not prepared to think that one remedy is cure for all diseases, but I know what cured mine. I bless God for "the soothing hand that Love on Conscience laid." I mark that hour as the beginning of a fresh and favored life; the dawning of a hope that has not yet lost its power "to tame The haughty brow, to curb the unchastened eye, And shape to deeds of good each wavering aim."

If James himself was startled into an angry demand how such things could be after he had witnessed the performance of David Lindsay's play, which was trimmed into comparative decency for courtly ears, it may be supposed what was the effect of that and still broader assaults, upon the unchastened imagination of the people.

Wednesday.-Mother pointed out to me this evening two lines from a book she was reading, with a significant smile that said they described me: "A frank, unchastened, generous creature, Whose faults and virtues stand in bold relief." "Dear me!" I said, "so then I have some virtues after all!"