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There's a knot of them got together, and they are plotting something. That fellow, Charles Trickett, is at the bottom of it, though he takes good care not to be too forward. They have won a good many men over, and they tried to win me, but I'm not going to run my head into a noose to make bad worse."

All this time, neither Trickett, or rather Charles Iffley, nor the fellow who called himself Reginald Berkeley, had appeared among us. They came at last, as if sauntering by, and joining in, asked the men what they were talking about. Several again went over the list of their grievances. "It's not to be borne!" cried Iffley.

After a few voyages, if Captain Trickett does not speak of you in too laudatory terms, you will be able to take charge of a ship to sail either to the West Indies or to the North American plantations, or to the coast of Africa, or to the Levant. We will take care, in the meantime, that you have opportunities of exercising your skill."

"I will try you with other observations by and by. Where did you get your knowledge?" Roger told him. "What, from old Trickett? No wonder you are correct; there is not a better navigator in Bristol." Next day Stephen brought out his quadrant and did justice to his instructor, he also receiving a due amount of praise from the Captain.

"Captain Trickett tells me that he has known instances where the officers of a ship have died, and no one on board remained capable of taking her into port." Thus instigated, Stephen, who had a very good head for mathematics, readily attended the instruction of Captain Trickett, and following the Captain's advice by giving his mind to the subject, soon acquired as much knowledge as Roger himself.

"I know all you tell me," I replied, "except that I was not aware there was any plotting going on. No one has spoken to me, and Trickett is the last person to do so, though he would be ready to get me into a scrape if he could. I don't think they would be mad enough to attempt anything when they must know what would be the upshot.

Bandages are retained one or two weeks, as the case may require, and subsequently a good wound lotion may be employed several times daily. A good lotion for such cases as well as in many others has long been employed with success by Dr. A. Trickett of Kansas City.

It was quickly proved that four of our number had been captured while attempting to fire the guns behind the barricade, and that the whole of us had been found below when the rest of the ship's company had returned to their duty. We were asked singly what we could say for ourselves. Trickett was the first who spoke.

He had, while passing along the quay, observed a house with a large wooden quadrant over the door, and on inquiry he found that a certain master-mariner, Captain Trickett, who gave lessons in astronomy and navigation, resided there. He made bold to enter, and explaining his wish to master the subjects the captain taught, soon entered into an arrangement to attend three evenings a week.

Stephen and Roger had but little time to get their things, to run round and bid their friends farewell; their last visit was to Captain Trickett. "Farewell, my boys, and a prosperous voyage to you!" he said, as he shook their hands warmly. "You may meet with adventures, some not as pleasant as you would desire, but stick to your duty, never say die, and hope for the best."