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One night I was in a cheap music hall and accidentally bumped into a waiter who was carrying a tray-load of beer, almost bringing him to several shillings' worth of grief. To my amazement he righted himself and said: "Thank ye, sir," and left me wondering whether he meant that he thanked me for not completely spilling his beer, or that he would thank me for keeping out of his way.

Hagar came out with her last tray-load from the dining-room, and set it down upon the table with, "Bress ye, honey, Hagar's glad 'nough to see ye sittin' dar. 'Pears like I never heard de sea shoutin' like it is dis yer ebenin'. Seems as ef all de folks dat de cruel ole monster hab swallered wur jes' openin' the'r moufs and cryin' 'loud!

"Both, and a cup of coffee, please." "Well, sir, I'm afraid there's no coffee, sir; but I could make you a pot of tea in a moment, sir." "All right, and bring them to my room, please?" "Yessir." In a very short time there was that faint steward rap at the state-room door and a most appetising tray-load was respectfully placed at my service.

And in another moment she had climbed down and brought him back a roll, and then another, and another, till she had brought him the whole tray-load. Upon which she said: 'Dear master, Schurka and I are going off to a distant kingdom at the utmost ends of the earth to fetch you back your magic ring. You must be careful that the rolls last till our return.