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Then I ventured to ask: "Do you, Professor, know anything of a Doctor Moroni, of Florence?" The white-bearded, shock-haired man reflected for a moment, and then moving in his chair, replied: "I fancy I have heard his name. Moroni Moroni? Yes, I am sure someone has mentioned him." "As a toxicologist?" "Probably. I do not really remember.

It is said that La Voisin is a toxicologist, and that she has been in the habit of selling poison to her patrons. Was this what you came to say?" "With this I intended to open my communication, madame. That La Voisin has trafficked in poisons is proved, and she will assuredly mount the scaffold for her crimes. But the next point is to inquire to whom her poudre de succession has been sold."

"By all means," I answered; "you mean a specialist, I suppose?" "Yes!" "On the heart?" I asked. "No! a toxicologist!" Rust remarked dryly. I glanced into his face. He was in deadly earnest. "You believe " "What the devil is one to believe?" the doctor exclaimed irritably. "The man is sound, but he is dying. If I told you that I understood his symptoms, I should be a liar.

In the rankest varieties it rarely exceeds eight parts to the hundred. The same toxicologist says that it has the remarkable property of resisting decomposition in the decaying tissues of the body, and he detected it in the bodies of animals destroyed by it, several months after their death. In this particular it resembles arsenic.

I think you are enough of a chemist to know that no doctor would dare go on the stand and swear to death from morphine poisoning in the face of such evidence against him. The veriest tyro of an expert toxicologist could too easily confute him." Kennedy nodded. "Have you the pill-box and the prescription?" "I have," replied Dr. Hanson, placing them on the table. Kennedy scrutinised them sharply.

His interest in my death must, therefore, be connected with my professional activities. Now, I am at present conducting an exhumation which may lead to a charge of murder; but if I were to die to-night the inquiry would be carried out with equal efficiency by Professor Spicer or some other toxicologist. My death would not affect the prospects of the accused.

But he has a great and very absorbing hobby. "'What is that? "'He spends all his time in chemical experiments, and is, I believe, as an amateur, a very distinguished toxicologist." "Did you ever see Mr.

This palace my guide took me to see, after our visit to Tasso's prison, and, standing in its shadow, he related to me the occurrence which has given it a sad celebrity. It was, in the time of the gifted toxicologist, the residence of Lucrezia Borgia, who used to make poisonous little suppers there, and ask the best families of Italy to partake of them.

"Guardy! guardy! how can you say such horrible things? Commit murder? You know very well she would not dare." "Wives dare it every week if the public journals speak the truth. I tell you I would not trust her. There is Guy Oleander, a toxicologist by profession what more easy than for him to supply her with some subtle drug, and call it catalepsy, a congestion, a disease of the heart?

While at the hospital next day I was served with a notice to assist at the post-mortem of the unfortunate Lane, whose body was lying in the Shadwell mortuary; and that same afternoon I met by appointment Doctor Tatham, of the London Hospital, who, as is well known, is an expert toxicologist.