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If the whale be struck he immediately dives to the bottom of the sea, where he remains till he is quite exhausted, when he again comes to the surface of the water to breathe; in the meanwhile the boat's crew observe all its motions, and are in readiness with their lances to complete the business, during which, the person who first struck the fish, falls down on his face in the fore part of the boat, and prays that Torngak would strengthen the thongs that they may not break; another of the crew allows his feet to be bound, as a symbol of what he desires, then attempting to walk, falls down and exclaims, "Let him be lame!" and a third, if he observes that the whale is dying, calls out, "Now Torngak is there, and will help us to kill the fish, and we shall eat his flesh, and fare sumptuously, and be happy!"

I want you to go at once and tell Nunaga that Angut wants to see her alone." "Who?" asked Ippegoo in surprise. "Angut." "What! your rival?" "Yes; my rival. My torngak tells me that Angut wants to meet her alone, mind out on the floes at Puffin Island this afternoon." "Are are you sure your torngak has made no mistake?" asked the youth, with something of his old hesitancy.

"Yes, yes, I know," said Ippegoo, looking anxiously over his shoulder, as if he half expected to see a torngak already approaching him; "I know only too well what I've got to do. Ujarak has been stuffing it into me the whole day till my brain feels ready to burst."

I forgot you don't know what an ass is; well, it don't matter, for, in the third place, he never gave any proof to anybody of what he and his torngak are said to have seen and done, and, strongest reason of all, this familiar spirit of his acts unwisely for what could be more foolish than to choose out of all the tribe a poor half-witted creature like Ippegoo for the next angekok?"

A gleaming glance of intelligent humour lighted up Okiok's face as he said "Ujarak is wiser than his torngak in that. He wants to make use of the poor lad for his own wicked ends. I know not what these are but I have my suspicions." "So have I," broke in Nuna at this point, giving her pot a rap with the cooking-stick by way of emphasis. Rooney laughed.

"Many times I was swept off my feet by the violence of the gale, and once I was carried with such force towards a mass of upheaved ice that I expected to be dashed against it and killed, but just as this was about to happen the " "Torngak helped eh?" interrupted Okiok, with a simple look. "No; torngaks never help while we are above ground.

Presently he took to groaning by way of variety; then he puffed and gasped, and in a quavering voice entreated his torngak to come. Spirits, however, like human creatures, are not always open to entreaty. At all events, Ippegoo's torngak refused to appear.

These spirits would appear to be somewhat coquettish and difficult to win, and marvellous tales are related of the manner in which they are wooed. The aspirant must retire for a time to a desert place, where, entirely cut off from the society of his fellows, he may give himself up to fasting and profound meditation. He also prays to Torngarsuk to give him a torngak.

"Ask him to come inside and speak to us," whispered Ujarak, who was a good deal more surprised even than his pupil at this unexpected turn of affairs. "Won't you come in, torngak?" said Ippegoo timidly. "It is very cold outside. You will be more comfortable inside, and we shall hear you better. I suppose you can come as easily through the wall as by " "Stop your stupid tongue!" growled Ujarak.

One of the Eskimos, Tuavituk by name, was an Angakok, or conjurer, and claimed to possess special powers which permitted him to communicate with Torngak, the Great Spirit who ruled their fortunes just as the Manitou rules the fortunes of the Indians.