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If the combination of wind and altitude had this effect upon phlegmatic temperaments, something of Mrs. Toomey's state may be surmised. With nerves already overwrought this prolonged windstorm put her in a condition in which, as she declared hysterically to her husband, she was "ready to fly."

"Did you go to the flat, Mama?" she asked, clearing her throat. "I did," Emeline answered, biting a loose thread from a finger of her dirty white gloves. "I got Toomey's rent, and told them that we might want the room on the first." "Going to give up the flat?" Julia asked, in surprise.

'I'll get it for you if I can, and glad to oblige. And he turned off down the big pear flat on the Piedra , in the direction of Mired Mule; and I steered northwest for old Bill Toomey's ranch. "It was five days afterward when I got another chance to ride over to Pimienta. Miss Willella and me passed a gratifying evening at Uncle Emsley's.

Filled with the wonder of it, he forgot for a moment the specter which had been his sleeping and waking companion for some weeks past and which had confronted him with the substance of reality at Toomey's taunt. The banker went to meet Kate with an outstretched hand. "You've been gone a long time; I've been wondering when we'd see you back." "I've been east," she replied, casually.

Toomey, however, was grateful, for she felt that if there was one thing worse than being hungry it was being cold, so she stoked the kitchen range with a free hand and luxuriated in the warmth though it necessitated frequent trips outside in Toomey's absence. Mrs. Toomey was returning from the ash can when she saw Mormon Joe going into his shack on the diagonal corner.

'I'll get it for you if I can, and glad to oblige. And he turned off down the big pear flat on the Piedra, in the direction of Mired Mule; and I steered northwest for old Bill Toomey's ranch. "It was five days afterward when I got another chance to ride over to Pimienta. Miss Willella and me passed a gratifying evening at Uncle Emsley's.

Toomey's approval and commented upon the swiftness with which time sped in congenial company. A delightful afternoon was especially appreciated in a community where there were so few with whom one could really unbend and talk freely to all of which Mrs. Toomey agreed thoroughly, understanding, as she did, what Mrs. Pantin meant exactly.

Not until the conductor was within five yards of them did Graham note his coming and signal "Hush." Abruptly came the challenge: "'Ain't you heard her whistle yet, Toomey?" and the tone implied that sheer neglect could be the only explanation for Toomey's failure in case no whistle had been heard. "Nary whistle," was the indifferent answer. "Well, how could you expect to hear it?

It was a crisis not only the test of her promised friendship and loyalty to Kate but to her own character and courage. Was she strong enough to meet it? It was one of Mrs. Toomey's misfortunes to be not only self-analytical, but honest. She had no hallucinations whatever regarding her own weaknesses and shortcomings.

Toomey's frailty to face such a gale. But with her thin lips in a determined line and her gaze straight ahead, she managed, by tacking judiciously and stopping at intervals to clasp a telephone pole while she recovered her breath, to reach the iron fence imported from Omaha which gave such a look of exclusiveness to the Pantins' residence. Mr.