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When he had finished, he said, with a smile: "Paulus, you are ready to stand the strongest windstorm that can blow; everything on your body is made as secure as it can be!" Our reindeer being harnessed we bade good-bye to the people of the house of refuge, and a number of parties left together for self-protection. John was not mistaken about the weather.

I was glad indeed when I reached the hamlet of Matarengi with its red-painted log church, two hundred years old, and separate belfry of the same color. The windstorm lasted three days. During that time I found that the temperature varied from 8 to 22 degrees below zero. Then it became calm, the sky was perfectly clear, and the mercury marked 40 degrees below zero. There was not a breath of wind.

"It will be my fault if I keep you here longer!" he answered. "We must reach a telephone and send word out. Something may have happened to your father." "I'm not worried a bit about him. It may be that there's been a big snowfall up above us or else a windstorm. The trail may be blocked; but don't worry. He may have to go round by Lost Lake pass." She pondered a moment. "I reckon you're right.

"Paulus," said he, "people must look out carefully not to run into boulders as they go down hill, and a hill full of boulders only those who can guide their skees well can venture to go down. Avoid such hills when you are further north, for otherwise you might even be killed." Shortly after our return to the farm the wind began again to rise, and another terrific windstorm blew over the land.

In the evening performance at Peoria there came up a windstorm which blew down part of the menagerie tent, where the freaks were, and when the storm was over, and the tent top was pulled up again, they found pa all right. He started to crawl under the canvas, and skip out for fear of the animals, but the fat lady caught him and sat down on him. May 6.

Before he could think they were out in mid-air and ascending skyward. Travelling on a steep slant, there was no vibration, no mechanical noise; scarcely the suggestion of movement, except for the muffled swish of the air. Were it not for the receding city below him, Chick could have imagined himself sitting in a house while a windstorm tore by.

Of this exceptional instance a story was so often repeated that in time it became permanently embalmed in the unwritten history of the place. On a summer's afternoon, sultry and close, the heavens suddenly went all black, and quick gusts smote the earth with threats of a great windstorm. The sun vanished magically; a close thick gloaming fell out of the clouds.

There was only an inch of it showing, and if it had not been for Tom's sharp eyes, it would certainly have been overlooked and passed by. The next windstorm would have covered it up, and all that afterward happened never would have occurred. "Look, sir," he said, as he struck the sand from it, "it hath writing on it." "Let me see it," said Parson Jones.

Windstorm did that in all probability. Queer thing, but I don't see any indications of anything but wind having disturbed the place." "Hand me a stone and I'll prop it up," requested Hippy. The guide did so, and Lieutenant Wingate dropped the stone beside it, after straightening up the crude cross. Both men heard a metallic sound as the stone struck the ground.

Those who choose to dig among these desert-like sandhills, between the Coptic churches of Babylon and the tombs of the Mamelukes, may chance on something of value, especially after a windstorm or a landslip: bits of Persian pottery, fragments of iridescent glass, broken bracelets of enamel, opaline beads, or tiny gods and goddesses.