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It is the ghost of something which once was living; and the longer you can show the ghost surviving, the more living in its day was the something it survived from. Your Tamerlanes and Malek Rics can be used to frighten babies for centures; their ghosts walk in that sense; their memories linger; but your Tomlinsons die and are done with, and no wind carries rumors of them after.

Souls for whom the wind is always nor'-nor'-west, and they sail nearer success than failure, and nearer wisdom than lunacy. Neither leaders nor slaves but no Tomlinsons! whomsoever of your friends you miss, them you will certainly meet again, not unduly pardoned, the fifty-first by the Throne. Such is Toronto.

Miss Larrabee was authority for the statement that Maybelle had used five hundred yards of baby-ribbon pink and blue and white and yellow in her trousseau, and that she was bestowing the same passionate fervour on her hemstitching and tucking that she had wasted on literature; that she was helping papa and mamma by shouldering the biggest wedding on them since the Tomlinsons went into bankruptcy after their firework ceremonial.

There were the three Miss Tomlinsons, who imitated Miss Landor, and also wore ermine and feathers; but their beauty was considered of a coarse order, and their square forms were quite unsuited to the round tippet which fell with such remarkable grace on Miss Landor's sloping shoulders.

But the Tomlinsons couldn't imagine it, which was just as well. So it came about that they had embarked on their system. Mother, who knew most arithmetic, was the leading spirit. She tracked out all the stocks and bonds in the front page of the Financial Undertone, and on her recommendation the Wizard bought.

There are too many of Kipling's Tomlinsons in the world, whose consciences are wholly compact of on dits, on whom the devil himself, sinned they never so sadly, would refuse to waste his good pit-coal.