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I understand that he has directed his mail forwarded to an apartment hotel near Washington Square in New York." The two talked for perhaps forty minutes though it must be admitted that a portion of that time was devoted to a discussion of the terms of employment. Mr. Tollman had never undertaken having a man shadowed before and he regarded the fees as needlessly large.

So Stuart closed the house on the Hudson, as he had closed the house in Virginia, and with a very bitter spirit went to Europe. It was some time before this, perhaps several months, that Eben Tollman, the indispensable friend serving hitherto without reward or the seeking of reward ventured to aspire openly to more personal recognition.

Tollman," he found himself murmuring, "but I'm afraid that's hardly possible." "Hardly possible? Nonsense!" Tollman laughed aloud this time. "Why, you've just been telling us that you were on the verge of running away somewhere to rest and that the only undecided point was a choice of destination."

"A man should be extremely frank with his physician or his lawyer," volunteered the newcomer. "It's even truer in the case of a detective." "In this instance," Mr. Tollman proceeded with the wariness of one wading into water of unknown depth, "I am acting for friends whose business interests I represent, and who do not care to appear in the matter.

Eben Tollman alone with his monomania and Eben Tollman in the company of others were separate personalities and to pass from one to the other called for making up; for schooling of expression and the recovery of a suave exterior.

Everything in her was dead but the love she could not kill and that remained only to torture her. The most paradoxical thing of all was that in these troubled days she thought of only one person as a dependable friend. Eben Tollman had evinced a spirit for which she had not given him credit. It seemed that she had been all wrong in her estimates of human character.

This was the bulwark of fallacy with which Conscience Tollman sought to safeguard her dwindling confidence in the ultimate success of her wifehood and she clung to it with a bitter determination. Where the old iron urns, painted a poison green, had stood in the front yard of Tollman's house there was no longer any offense to the eye.

But nonsense, Eben, he's a harmless boy just out of college. I like him but not for my own family. What put such an absurdity into your head?" "Possibly it is an absurdity." Tollman gave the appearance of a man who, having suggested a stormy topic, is ready to relinquish it.

I suggested that under the circumstances it was scarcely fair." "What did he say?" She put the inquiry with a level glance as if reserving her right to accept or reject his volunteered assistance. "He could only see his own side. He must do his duty, however hard he found it." Conscience remembered Stuart's warning that Tollman thought he loved her, and smiled to herself.

Tollman, had best be discussed out of hearing of others." Tollman remained unhospitably rigid and his eyes narrowed into an immediate hostility. "Whatever business we may have had, Mr. Hagan," he suggested, "has for some time been concluded, I think." But on this point the visitor seemed to hold a variant opinion.