United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Toler'ble," replied the farmer, with a smile. "They are men in noble deeds." "This boating business turns the boys into men; and though, in my opinion, it would be just as well to set 'em to work in the cornfields, there is no denying that it brings 'em out, and makes 'em smart." "My wife would certainly have been drowned without their help." "I daresay."

He heard his name mentioned at least twenty times. Out of the gusty, dripping blackness came Mr. Badger's voice. "By time!" crowed Josiah, "he was took down a few p-p-pup-pegs, wa'n't he! My! how Eben did g-gi-gi-give it to him. He looked toler'ble white under the gills when he riz up to heave out his s-s-sus-sassy talk. And foolish, too.

Ye fund the water toler'ble high in all the creeks an' sech, I reckon, an' fords shifty an' onsartain. Yes, sir. Fall rains kem on earlier'n common, an' more'n we need. Wisht we could divide it with that thar drought we had in the summer. Craps war cut toler'ble short, sir toler'ble short." Mrs.

"Waal," said the peacemaker, hesitating, "it 'peared ter me ez Uncle Jacob Smith war toler'ble drunk, take him all tergether, an' ez he hed drawed a knife, I thought that ye an' him hed 'bout quar'led enough. An' so I flung down the warpin'-bars ter git the fuss shet up." "Waal, sir!" exclaimed his grandmother, red with wrath. "Ez ef my son couldn't stand up agin all the Smiths that ever stepped!

Oh! I hev been a heap too quick an' spiteful myself. I hev been so terrible wrong! Look a-hyar; he lef' this glove ter show me he hed been hyar, an' could hev tuk the baby ef he hed hed the heart ter do it. Oh! I'm goin' right up the mounting an' tell him how sorry I be." "Toler'ble cheap!" grumbled Stephen "one old glove. An' he'll git Elnathan Daniel an' ye too. A smart fox he be."

"Ya-as, I do; that's the toler'ble straight fact," drawled the other. "But I ain't so much to blame; times you ack like a boy yit, Tom-Jeff." Tom was silent again, turning a thing over in his mind. It was a time to bend all means to the one end, the trivial as well as the potent. "Tell me something, Japhe," he said, changing front in the twinkling of an eye.

It 'pears toler'ble weak-kneed in its mind, wunst in a while. But ef it wants ter fool money away, it's mighty well able ter afford sech. It hev got a power o' ways a-comin' at money, we all know that, we all know that." He said this with a gloomy inflection and a downward look that might have implied a liability for taxes beyond his willingness to pay.

At the sound of a human voice Luke Todd's wife struggled to her feet She held the piggin with one arm encircled about it, and with the other hand she clutched the plaid shawl around her throat. Her bright hair was tossed by the rising wind. "I 'lowed I'd find ye hyar a-milkin' 'bout now." The homely allusion reassured the younger woman. "I hev ter begin toler'ble early," she said.

Her courage was flagging; her hope had fled. The eyes of the man's wife burned upon her face. "We-uns useter be toler'ble well 'quainted 'fore he ever seen ye, an' I 'lowed he'd b'lieve my word," Eugenia continued. Another silence.

Why, me bucko, 'tis me old college chum he is. Come on with me and we'll give him the glad hand. "He grabs Jonadab by the arm and starts along the sidewalk, steerin' a toler'ble crooked course, but gainin' steady by jerks. "'I was on me way to Kelly's place now, says he. 'And here it is. Sure didn't I bate the bookies blind on Rosebud but yesterday or was it the day before?