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"What's the use of asking me; you know well enough who I am," replied Dan, in short, curt syllables. "Of course, of course; but I thought I might be mistaken." "Well, you aren't." "Now, Mr. Moriarity, I think if you are inclined to you can get yourself out of this scrape." "Ya-as, I suppose so. "You will let me introduce myself. My name is William Pinkerton."

The first six miles from Newport they were so detestable, and without either direction-posts or milestones, that I could not well persuade myself I was on the turnpike, but had mistook the road, and therefore asked every one I met, who answered me, to my astonishment, 'Ya-as! Whatever business carries you into this country, avoid it, at least till they have good roads: if they were good, travelling would be very pleasant."*

"All right," he drawled, "get gang enough." Phinney jumped. "You mean you've decided to take up with Payne's offer and swap your lot for his?" he gasped. "Why, only two or three days ago you said " "Ya-as. That was two or three days ago, and I've been watchin' the 'Colonial' since. I cal'late the movin' habit's catchin'. You have your gang here by noon to-day." "Sol Berry, are you crazy?

And Si pointed to the object of the Captain's lecture on natural history that was still creeping on his arm. Shorty slapped his thigh and burst into a loud laugh. "Was that what ye went to see the Cap'n 'bout?" he asked as soon as he could speak. "Why ya-as," replied Si, somewhat surprised at Shorty's unseemly levity.

"Ya-as, I do; that's the toler'ble straight fact," drawled the other. "But I ain't so much to blame; times you ack like a boy yit, Tom-Jeff." Tom was silent again, turning a thing over in his mind. It was a time to bend all means to the one end, the trivial as well as the potent. "Tell me something, Japhe," he said, changing front in the twinkling of an eye.

They lay," admitted Aunt 'Mira. "But I don't git more'n ha'f of what they lay. They steal their nests so. Ol' Speckle brought off a brood only yesterday. I'd been wonderin' where that hen was layin' for a month." "But, anyway, we can rake the yard and trim the edges of the walk," Janice said to Marty. "Ya-as, we kin," admitted Marty, grinning. "But will we?"

It's in the Milwaukee paper, all about her being Chippewa's fairest daughter, and a picture of the house, and her being the belle of the Fox River Valley, and she's giving up her palatial home and all to go to work in a Y.M.C.A. canteen for her country and bleeding France." "Ya-as she is!" sneered Tessie, and a dull red flush, so deep as to be painful, swept over her face from throat to brow.

"Thank God!" exclaimed Mr Meldrum, in heartfelt thanksgiving to Him who controls the winds and storms, as he sprang to aid the man at the wheel, seeing that he had a hard task to keep the helm over. "Ya-as, I guess that were a narrow squeak," said the American; "and I kalkerlate I'll make tracks down south fore another of them snorters come!"

"Do you mean to tell me that some convulsion of the earth has shattered the Graham Glacier?" I asked. "Convulsions? Ya-as, an' fits, too," he said, sulkily. "The hull blame thing dropped inter a hole. An' say, mister, home an' mother is good enough fur me now." I stared at him stupidly.

With the first streaks of dawn Casey and Simon mounted and rode for Talapus. But before they had ridden five hundred yards Casey discovered an extraordinary thing. In his ears sounded a sustained, musical murmur, nothing less than the happy laugh of running water. "By the Lord Harry!" he ejaculated. "There's water in the ditches." Simon nodded. "Ya-as.