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It cost the izzard-hunter a chase before Pouchskin's runaway could be recovered; but the capture of the jennet was at length effected; and, all things being set to-rights, a parting salute was once more exchanged with the muleteers, and the travellers proceeded on their way.

"On'y she's a-missin', that's all; but there, she allers turns up, she does, and wipes me to-rights, too." "She was nearly killing you the night we saw you," said I. "'Taint no concern of yourn. Shine 'e boots, sir? 'ere yer are, sir. Not that bloke, sir. Do yer 'ear? Shine 'e boots, mister?" This last spirited call was addressed to an elderly gentleman who was passing.

"What's that to do with you?" demanded I, to whom by this time the small ragamuffin's impudence had ceased to be astonishing. "On'y 'cos t'other bloke he was 'ere four hour ago, and I ain't see'd you go by. I say, you're a-doin' it, you are." "Has my fr has Smith been here this evening?" I asked. "He are so; and I give 'im a shine to-rights, I did.

Behind her, the quay's edge shone bright against the green water of the harbour, where, half a cable's length from shore, a small three-masted schooner lay at anchor, with her Blue Peter fluttering at the fore. "He's gettin' her to-rights," observed one of the crowd. A woman said, "I wish I'd a-been took in my young days, when I was comely." "Then, whyever wasn't 'ee, Mrs. Slade?"

"I guess I know when to speak an' when not to," she remarked. "Now don't beat about the bush; the men-folks'll be back to-rights. I never in my life give Len a mite o' news he couldn't ha' picked up for himself." "Well, some master silly pieces have got into the paper, fust an' last," said Mrs. Robbins.

He do teach you to-rights, so I let you know, he do." "What else does he teach you besides your letters?" "Oh, about a bloke called Cain as give 'is pal a topper, and " He stopped abruptly, as he noticed the smile I could not restrain, and then added, in his offended tone, "I ain't a-goin' to tell you. 'Tain't no concern of yourn."

There were various carters and mule-drivers assembled round the broken waggon, and at last some man of an original turn of mind, proposed that a general and joint effort should be made to get things to-rights again, and clear the way an idea which I verily believe would never have presented itself to our friend, though we had remained there until now.

"We may have the wind against us this passage, and with the little stores we have left we ought to get to X as soon as possible." "Yes, Tom, and I hope to get under way tonight, even if I go with one screw, and put the other to-rights on the voyage." "Mr. Robur," said Tom "What is to be done with those two gentlemen and their servant?"

"Guess I better finish milkin'." Mary put her patient "to-rights," and set some herb drink on the back of the stove. Presently the little room was filled with the steamy odor of a bitter healing, and she was on the battlefield where she loved to conquer. In spite of her heaven-born instinct, she knew very little about doctors and their ways of cure.

And so doubtless he would have done, had not Mr Hashford appeared at that very moment on the gravel walk and summoned us in to preparation. This interruption was most unsatisfactory. Those who wanted to see what the new boy was made of were disappointed, and those whose dignity wanted putting to-rights were still more disappointed. But there was no helping it.