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Final instructions were then given, and we hurried to the ticket-office in time for the northward-bound mail-train, and purchased tickets for different stations along the line in the direction of Chattanooga. Our ride, as passengers, was but eight miles.

I arranged, with the very efficient help of Lanier Winslow, for special trains to carry the Americans in Germany to Holland. Trains were run from Switzerland, Munich and Carlsbad across Germany to Holland, and from Berlin were run a number of trains to Holland. The first room on entering the Embassy was the ticket-office, and there, first Mr.

Try Fort Rucker for the Special." "There's no night man at Fort Rucker." "But Burling, the day man, sleeps upstairs " "He goes up to Bear Dance to lodge." "This isn't lodge night," said Blood. "For God's sake, how can you get him upstairs, anyway?" trembled O'Neill. "On cold nights he sleeps downstairs by the ticket-office stove. I spent a night with him once and slept on his cot.

Twice remarks were flung after her from passing figures in slouch-hats furtive remarks through closed lips. At five minutes past one she was at the ticket-office grating of a train-terminal that was more ornate than a rajah's dream. "Adalia please. Huh? Ohio. Next train." "Seven-seven. Track nine. Round trip?" "N-no." "Eighteen-fifty." She again bit open the corner knot of her handkerchief.

Thousands had vainly applied for admission at the ticket-office; there was room only for fifteen hundred persons in the aula and the adjoining rooms, and perhaps as many thousands had come to hear the concert.

I have not a very distinct idea of the Tower, but remember that our cab drove within an outer gate, where we alighted at a ticket-office; the old royal fortress being now a regular show-place, at sixpence a head, including the sight of armory and crown-jewels.

"You say you have three sisters?" he asked. "Yep," said Billy. "Well, I should say that load was worth about five tickets." "Gee whiz!" cried the boy; "that 'ud take us all!" He followed the gentleman back to the ticket-office, and eagerly watched the man behind the little window count out five tickets and put them in a pink envelope.

Verrian seized upon it and then went into the waiting-room, where he had left his suit-case. He found the stranger there in parley with the young woman in the ticket-office about a conveyance to Mrs. Westangle's. It proved that he had secured not only the only thing of the sort, but the only present hope of any other, and in the hard case he could not hesitate with distress so interesting.

In Charing Cross Station one morning, Mrs. Pitt hurried up to the "booking-office," as the English call the ticket-office, to "book" five tickets to Penshurst. While the man was getting her change, she turned and said to Philip: "Please ask that guard who is standing there, on which platform we shall find the 9.40 train for Penshurst."

She walked quickly down the laurustinus alley toward the gate; there she paused a moment, glancing about the little shady square. The stone benches under the trees were empty, and she seemed to gather resolution from the solitude about her, for she crossed the square to the steam-boat landing, and he saw her pause before the ticket-office at the head of the wharf. Now she was buying her ticket.