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So I practiced repression, though the wall of my reserve is worn to the thinness of thread-paper, and I tried to keep my mind on the droning minor canon, and not to look at her, "for that way madness lies." YORK, June 26 High Petersgate Street. My taste is so bad! I just begin to realize it, and I am feeling my "growing pains," like Gwendolen in "Daniel Deronda."

Out of these she was only a little elderly thread-paper of a woman, of no apparent account among crowds of other people, and with scarcely enough of bodily bulk or presence to take any positive foothold anywhere.

"That's a very good-looking one you are riding, Miss Bloxam, and up to a stone or two more than your weight, as a lady's horse always should be." "I don't know about that," replied Blanche, laughing. "I am tall, and by no means of the thread-paper order.

I get out of the way of a thread-paper clerk, and 't is a wonder I am not run over by the omnibuses, I feel as if I could run over them! I perceive, too, that there is something outlandish, peregrinate, and lawless about me. Beau Brummel would certainly have denied me all pretension to the simple air of a gentleman, for every third passenger turns back to look at me.

'Twas no inconsistent part of my uncle Toby's character that he feared God, and reverenced religion. What is become of my wife's thread-paper? No matter as an appendage to seamstressy, the thread-paper might be of some consequence to my mother of none to my father, as a mark in Slawkenbergius.

And while she thus held him, Mallalieu, who had often observed Miss Pett in her peregrinations through the Market Place, and had been accustomed to speaking of her as a thread-paper, or as Mother Skin-and-Bones, because of her phenomenal thinness, wondered how it was that a woman of such extraordinary attenuation should possess such powerful fingers her grip on his wrist was like that of a vice.

I need not have asked about her if I had thought a moment beforehand. Father Rocco would be sure to keep her out of Fabio's sight, for his niece's sake." "What, he really loved that 'thread-paper of a girl' as you called her?" "Better than fifty such wives as he has got now! I was in the studio the morning he was told of her departure from Pisa.

Flaxman, glancing to the right, saw a group of men standing, and among them a slight, sharp-featured thread-paper of a man, with a taller companion whom he identified as the pair he had noticed on the night of the story-telling.

Angela was one of the most altered of all; for her plump cherub cheeks had melted away under the glow of measles, and the hooping process had lengthened and narrowed her small person into a demure little thread-paper of six years old, omnivorous of books, a pet and pickle at school, and a romp at home the sworn ally, offensive and defensive, of stout, rough-pated, unruly Bernard.

When Helen Palmer had attained her sixteenth year, she was quite a woman not one of your thread-paper bulrushes, which shoot upwards merely into unfleshed gentility; but a round, firm, well-spread, and formed woman a bonny lass, invested with all the delicacy and softness of a complete lady.