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Sleary instructing him, with his one practicable eye, that Bitzer was the object of his particular attentions. The other three sat up at the inn all night in great suspense. At eight o'clock in the morning Mr. Sleary and the dog reappeared: both in high spirits. 'All right, Thquire! said Mr. Sleary, 'your thon may be aboard-a- thip by thith time.

Ruddy isn't in it, deah old boy, so they they," interposed Clifford Melville, alias Joseph Sobieski of Posen. "Diplomathy is all very well, but thith kind of diplomathy is not good for the thoul." He laughed as only one of his kidney can laugh. Upon the laugh there came a hoarse growl of anger. Barry Whalen was standing above Mr. Clifford Melville with rage in every fibre, threat in every muscle.

Get Buthter out of the way, pleathe." "She doesn't know whether she is going or coming," was Margery's withering comment. "Oh, thith ith eathy," declared Tommy. "All you have to do ith to take hold of the rope with both handth, lean back ath if you were looking at a bird flying over your head and Thave me! oh, thave me!"

The driver helped them to pick up the cushions, but the bag of onions, which he had forgotten to take to the big house, he left where they lay in the road. They were too widely scattered to be gathered up. Chub found a huge one, and commenced to eat it as eagerly as if it had been a luscious bit of fruit. "Thith ith fine," he said as he took a big bite from the onion.

"A number of scientific men, passing through this section years afterward, unraveled the mystery. They say that the lime formation of the rocks, through which the water seeps into the lake, has poisoned the water. But you cannot make an Indian believe that." "Ith thith a fairy thtory, or a really-truly thtory?" demanded Tommy. "It is only a legend, Tommy," was Miss Elting's smiling reply.

"Will she take her group for a swim in the Atlantic?" "Yeth, Harriet and mythelf are going to try to thwim acroth thith afternoon," Grace informed them. "Swim across the Atlantic? Mercy me!" answered Mrs. Livingston laughingly. "That would indeed be an achievement." "I beg your pardon, but I didn't thay 'acroth the othean'; I meant to thwim acroth the pond down in the cove yonder.

The skipper tacked back and forth a couple of times to clear the bay, then laid his course diagonally away from the coast. The day was an ideal one, the sloop lay well over and steadily gained headway as she forged ahead with white water spurting away from her bows. "Gul-lor-ious!" cried Margery. "Love-a-ly!" mocked Crazy Jane. Tommy eyed Buster quizzically. "Yeth, but thith ithn't the real thea.

Childerth took him off, an hour and a half after we left there latht night. When that prethiouth young Rathcal thed he'd go for'ard afoot, the dog hung on to hith neck-hankercher with all four legth in the air and pulled him down and rolled him over. Tho he come back into the drag, and there he that, 'till I turned the horthe'th head, at half-patht thixth thith morning. Mr.

Presently his sister asked him to go into another street; but he refused. "Mamma thaid no," was Willie's answer. "The thaid we muthn't do off thith threet," said Willie in his lisping way. "Only just a little way round the corner," said his teasing sister. "Mamma'll never know it." "But I thall know it my own thelf; and I don't want to know any thuch a mean thing; and I won't!"

"Tho pleathe you, noble captain, my name 'th Nathan Nathaniel, of Thouththide Thtreet, Plymouth: and on my way thith morning, ath you thee, I came on the prithoner " "Prisoner be " began Captain Sharpland, but broke off to swear at the sentry, that was covering his face with his hands to hide his grins. "My good Mr Mugford, will you explain?"