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"We'll have to come again and hear the rest," was what he said. "Yes? Why" and here the shadowy eyes took on the woman-look, the look that warned and lured the man near her "I did not know it ever came like that really." "What, Nella-Rose?" "Why love. They-all knew it and took it. It was just like it was something all by itself. That's not the sort us-all have.

Why, that was Hodgson one of my best men! Go on, young man! Go on with yore story!" In a few words, the Texan told of bringing the half-breed to the saloon across the street, and of his reception there. "They-all told me to cleah out," he finished whimsically, "so I cleahed out the Idle Hour. Or rathah, I got the job started. Some one theah," he added, "handed me this note. That's why I'm heah."

"I've seen men as didn't know a hoss from a steam engine," Norman Teale broke in, glancing sharply at Moore. "Times is when a hoss has to be sacrificed to man but I reckon The Forge folks was taking some risks when they-all hired out a team to a stranger."

Nella-Rose stood her ground and throwing the rough coat back displayed her shabby, shrunken dress. "I went home they-all were away. I got my warm things, but I have a white dress and a pink ribbon I'll get them to-morrow. Then But why must we go away?" For the first time this thought caught her she had been whirled along too rapidly before to note it. "I have had word that my uncle is dead.

Elijah and Finn joined him in his laughter; but Daylight was gravely in earnest. "There she is!" he cried. "The hunch is working! It's in the air, I tell you-all! What'd they-all stake the big flat for if they-all didn't get the hunch? Wish I'd staked it." The regret in his voice was provocative of a second burst of laughter. "Laugh, you-all, laugh! That's what's the trouble with you-all.

Told me confidential a certain party had given you a white silk scarf, an' he was hell-bent on wearin' it home spotted red." "Anybody with him?" queried Duane. "Burt an' Sam Outcalt an' a little cowpuncher I never seen before. They-all was coaxin' trim to leave town. But he's looked on the flowin' glass, Buck, an' he's heah for keeps." "Why doesn't Sheriff Oaks lock him up if he's that bad?"

"Nobody stays on in The Hollow lest he has to," he said cautiously, "and as for boarding-places, there never was such a thing here, I reckon. I certainly don't expect they would take any one in at the Walden place, not if they-all was starving. Miss Ann Walden is quality from way back. The Morleys couldn't entertain, and what's true of the Morleys is true of all the others."

"They-all say the young manager for that company what's going to build a factory up higher has come, and I'm going to try and get a job." "Do you believe there is going to be a factory, Mr. Morley? Do you believe Smith Crothers would let any one have a factory so near his?" "They-all do say, Miss Cynthia, that that-er company what sends this young man, is powerful rich and upperty.

They all whispered an' nudged ole Sandford Morley out of life an' inter his grave. They-all hinted that he war a thief, a betrayer of his friend, but he war that upright and clean that he war deaf to whispers an' he he didn't know the language of dirty slurs and off looks from them as war once his friends! He went to his grave without knowing what had edged him outer the respect of his neighbours.

I I thought it was fun when they-all meant to take Burke alive, but now oh! now can't you see? they'll shoot and find out afterward! They may come any minute! I put the light out. Come, we must leave the cabin empty-looking like you had gone and hide!" The breathless whispering stopped and Truedale collected his senses in the face of this real danger. "But you you must not be here, Nella-Rose!"