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P'raps I may be quite wrong." Sally still resorted to silence. "Are you going to a theayter with him?" She shot the last bolt went as far as decency in such matters and such surroundings would permit, and it succeeded it forced Sally to retort. "It's not Mr. Arthur, Mrs. Hewson there is no need to worry yourself."

"Just dodging round, miss," he grunted. "Having a look at the little ducks in the pond." "You've been outside the theatre, and you've been waiting outside Niro's Club," she said accusingly. "Don't know it, miss," he said. "One theayter is as much like another one to me." "You must take your things off and let Mrs.

It's a shame an' a sin for to go makin' out so life-like ye are what ye ain't, an' takin' folks in so. It's kinder cheatin' play, I think; an' Mis' Yorke, she wurn't jes' so easy in her min' 'bout me goin' to the theayter, an' I reckon I've come to her way of thinkin'; an' thank ye kindly, boys, but there'll be no more theayter-goin' fur me.

"O, 'cause he's nice; and 'cause he'll take me to the Theayter; and 'cause he'll treat, apples, and peanuts, and candy, you know, and and ice-cream," wiping the beads from his little red face, the last desideratum evidently suggested by the fiery summer heat. "I say, Sallie!" a pause "won't you get me some ice-cream this evening?" "Yes, Bobbity, if you'll be a good boy."

If you must fight choose someone as big and as strong as yourself, not a lambkin." The crowd knew him and whispers went round. "That's Spiller Jemmy Spiller the famous play actor." "No, is it though. Lord, he can make folks laugh ah, split their sides a'most. I see him last Saturday at Master Rich's theayter in the Fields, and I thought I should ha' died."

No, siree; we'll play for beans." A sudden light illuminated Uncle Billy's face again, but he said, with a grim desperation, "Not to-night! I've got to go into town. That fren' o' mine expects me to go to the theayter, don't ye see? But I'll be out to-morrow at sun-up, and we'll fix up this thing o' the ranch." "Seems to me you're kinder stuck on this fren'," grunted Uncle Jim.

But I'm Frank Mainwaring. Will I do?" Richelieu smiled. The dimples, the white teeth, the dark, laughing eyes, were surely Minty's? "I'm Richelieu," he rejoined with equal candor. "Richelieu?" "Yes. That Frenchman the Lord Cardinal you know. Mar saw Forrest do him out in St. Louis." "Do him?" "Yes, in the theayter."

"Keep your eyes peeled for a good-looking, short guyl in blue velvet, with an ermine muff and stole that's a beaut from Beautville," she said to Win. "Thorpe saw her. He's had her pointed out to him at the theayter, so he knows. Her brother's dark and thin, but blue eyed. I saw in the Sunday supplement he's goin' to marry the sister of that lord."

"I suppose you never knew it," she said to us, "for I took pains not to let it disturb you, but that child has notes in her voice about two stories higher than any operer prymer donner that I ever heard, an' I've heard lots of 'em, for I used to go into the top gallery of the operer as often as into the theayter; an' if any operer singer ever heard them high notes of Corinne's, an' there was times when she'd let 'em out without the least bit of a notice, it's them that's took her."

"Royal Theayter, Master Jackanapes, in the old place, but be careful o' them seats, sir; they're rickettier than ever. Two sweets and a ginger-beer under the oak tree, and the Flying Boats is just a-coming along the road." No doubt it was partly because he had already suffered severely in the Flying Boats, that Tony collapsed so quickly in the giddy-go-round.