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Meanwhile, she was bustling about preparing the dinner, and when all was ready, she went over to him, and kissed his forehead, adding, "Naa, lad, come and get th' dinner, and don't moind what folk say; thaa'll do better next toime, th' Lord help the'." Abe was healed by a touch.

And then, in cold tones, she continued: 'Nay, mother; I've hed enugh o' life. I tell thee I've come wom' to dee. 'Amanda, sobbed the mother, 'if thaa taks on like that thaa'll kill me. Thaa's welly done for me a'ready, but I con live naa thaa's come back, if thaa'll nobbud live an' o', and live wi' me. Sit thee daan. It's thi cheer, Amanda; awlus wor, and awlus will be. Sit thee daan.

Fancy thee leavin' me to get wed, an' livin' i' a strange place, and all th' fo'k set agen thee afore they see thee! 'But thaa knows, misses, hoo'll happen not tak' to thee an' Milly. Hoo'll happen be a bit aboon yo' high-minded like. 'Hoo'll tak' to Milly if hoo's takken to Mr. Penrose, lad; thaa'll see if hoo doesn't.

An' that's fifty year ago, lad, and I've never slept out o' th' owd haas from that neet to this, and I durnd want to leave it naa. 'Well, durnd tak' on like that, mother; if tha' does thaa'll break my heart. We shall happen stop yet, who knows? and Jim almost choked with the lie which he told in his wild anguish to stay the torrent of his mother's grief.

'If thaa'rt noan flayed, that doesn't say thaa hasn't a devil, replied Amos, again raising the can to his lips. 'Well, I'm noan to blame if a' cornd help miself, am I? But Amos remained silent. 'Aw say, Amos, said a thoughtful-looking man, 'aw often wonder if thaa'll be content when thaa geets up aboon to see us lot in t'other shop. 'Happen it will, replied Amos.

In a little while Matt's mother came downstairs with hopelessness written on every line of her hard face. 'Thaa'll hev to mak' up thi mind to say good-bye to Miriam, lad. Hoo's noan baan to howd aat much longer. Hoo's abaat done, poor lass! 'Yo' mornd talk like that to me, mother, or I'll put yo' aat o' the haase. I'm noan baan to say good-bye to Merry yet, by I' ammot!

Keep him close to thee, he'll need thee and thaa'll need him afore yo're both done wi' th' world. Since thi faither deed, Jimmy, I've felt to need thee more and more. It's ten year this last back-end sin' we buried him. And it's nobbud just like yesterday. He wor in th' barn when he wor taan, sudden-like, with apoplex; and he never spoke, or knew me or you at after.

Aw durnd know; but whether thaa's to climb mony or few thaa'll hev strength gien thee, as aw hev. 'Aw wish God's other room wurnd so far off, Gronny nobbud t'other side o' th' wall instead o' th' story aboon. Durnd yo'? 'Nay, lass; they're safer upstairs. Thaa knows He put's 'em aat o' harm's way. 'But aw somehaa think aw could ha' takken care o' little Job a bit longer.

'Wrang once more, replied Miriam, with a light in her eye; and then, looking up at her husband with a gleam, she said: 'I durnd think as thi mother'll bother me mich more, lad. 'Surely th' old lass isn't deead! he cried in startled tones. And then, recollecting her treatment of Miriam, he continued: 'But I needn't be afeard o' that, for thaa'll never cry when th' old girl geets to heaven.

And at this Captain wagged his tail with delight, and rubbed his cold nose under the palm of Moses' hand. 'Aw've gin thee a bad name, owd mon, and they'n tried to hang thee for't; but thaa'll happen do summat some day as they'll tee a medal raand thi neck for, and when thaa'rt deead build thee a moniment.