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Mrs. Ferris opened her eyes, and lay watching Nancy, as she caressed the cat. "I like ter see ye here," she said, "an' ter-morrer I'll tell ye why I sent fer ye." The kitchen door opened, and the scent of brewing tea came in with Sue as she entered with a little tray which she placed upon a chair near Mrs. Ferris.

Stick with me, or line up with the rest of 'em, work yore passage, an' thank 'em for nothing when they divvy the stuff an' leave you out? You've got to decide one way or the other damn' quick, for the show-down's on the program for ter-morrer." "You haven't said outright what you are going to do yourself," replied Rainey. "As for me, I seem to be between the devil and the deep sea.

Jim, don't ye go ter sleep there in that door. Ha' ye washed yer feet?" "No, 'm," came drowsily from the doorway. "Why upon th' yeth do ye wait every blessed night ter be told ter wash yer feet? Go straight 'n' wash 'em, 'n' then go ter bed. Come, gals, knit ter th' middle 'n' put up yer knittin'; it's time for all little folks ter go ter sleep 'n' look for ter-morrer.

Solomon 'mence' ter 'spec' dat Aun' Peggy's cunj'ation had be'n wukkin' monst'us strong. "Solomon fotch Mars Jeems some clo's en shoes, en dat same eb'nin' Mars Jeems 'peared at de house, en let on lack he des dat minute got home fum Robeson County. Mars Johnson was all ready ter talk ter 'im, but Mars Jeems sont 'im wo'd he wa'n't feelin' ve'y well dat night, en he'd see 'im ter-morrer.

"Hooray fer ther bantam!" shouted a big cow-puncher, slapping Jack on the back. "Say, I hear them say you're from Bosting. I'm goin' ter buy a hundred-pound sack o' beans myself ter-morrer an' begin trainin'. If beans'll do that fer you, a sack o' them will make me fit ter lick Jess Willard."

"We'll stay over ter-morrer and git some work goin'; then I'll go with yer ter the coast and get some men and things I need. I'll cum back; you'll go ter Frisco, and everything'll be lovely." "No," said Sedgwick, "you go to San Francisco, and I will stay and work the mine. It was I who proposed this thing; of right I should meet the heaviest sacrifices."

"Does you know anything erbout hosses?" asked Mr. Peterson. "Yas, indeed, I does," said Wellington. "I wuz raise' 'mongs' hosses." "I tol' my ole boss I 'd look out fer a man, an' ef you reckon you kin fill de 'quirements er de situation, I 'll take yo' roun' dere ter-morrer mornin'. You wants ter put on yo' bes' clothes an' slick up, fer dey 're partic'lar people.

Ter-morrer you'll see every mother's son o' them rebels breakin' their hoss' necks to git out o' range o' our Springfields." Then Shorty finished his letter: "Ime doin' my best to be a second father to little Pete. Heze as good a little soul as ever lived, but when I talk another boy to raise it'll be sumwhair else than in the army. "Yores, till deth."

Could we see him ter-morrer night? 'Sure could we, says John; 'he'll show us the way, but he won't wait with us; he's bad enough fer his. "So Buck takes John an' goes back ter the guard shack, as it's most time fer relief, an' after I got back we told John ter git the hook, an' we talked things over, an' Buck he was just wild ter see if he couldn't lay that Chino ghost.

'Wot for, then? 'Why, 'Arry's going ter tike me ter Chingford ter-morrer. 'Oh? In the "Red Lion" brake? 'Yus. Are you goin'? 'Na! 'Not! Well, why don't you get round Tom? 'E'll tike yer, and jolly glad 'e'll be, too. ''E arst me ter go with 'im, but I wouldn't. 'Swop me bob why not? 'I ain't keeping company with 'im. 'Yer might 'ave gone with 'im all the sime. 'Na.