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But the sight of it caused him to groan and to realize that the just passed Berserk mood had cost him perhaps seven thousand words; and the seven thousand words represented all the work he had done up here at "Tenby" "Tenby" that he had taken expressly for the performance of doughty deeds of literature.

Yet what would Elaine, the Lily Maid of Astolat, say to such a liberty, I wonder? We arrived in Tenby too late for anything save an impression, last evening; but it was one of those enchanting, mysterious impressions which one can only have after dusk, when each old ivied wall is purple with romance, and each lamp in a high window is a lovelight.

"Say in summer," said Reding; "if you choose place, I will choose time. I think the University goes down just when Oxford begins to be most beautiful. The walks and meadows are so fragrant and bright now, the hay half carried, and the short new grass appearing." "Reding ought to live here all through the Long," said Tenby: "does any one live through the Vacation, sir, in Oxford?"

Why should we give up swinging on the gate? He can take his old books and sit on the Orphan Rock to write them. No one will disturb him there." "What are you talking about, children?" said Miss Bibby. "Pauline, answer me properly. I didn't know 'Tenby' was let. Who has taken it?" "I forget his name," said Pauline; "please pass the bananas. Oh, Lynn, you've taken all the jam.

And so we went till we could see Tenby itself far off on its rocky ness, and at that point left Thorgils to go his way, while we turned northward into the inland valleys, and sought the deep combe where they had harboured the stag. The snow lay here and there yet, but it was almost gone, and the going was somewhat heavy, but overhead the sky was soft and grey, and the wind was pleasant if chill.

He trots about a briefless little barrister, a scribbler, devilish clever and impudent, who does his farces for him. Tenby 's the fellow's name, and it's the only thing I haven't heard him pun on. Puns are the smallpox of the language; we're cursed with an epidemic. By gad, the next time I meet him I 'll roar out for vaccine matter.

The note was written and dispatched by a groom on horseback, and then Gimblet bade an revoir to his host at the door of the castle. "I will go back to the cottage," he said; "I have an accumulation of correspondence that absolutely must be attended to, and I do not think there is anything to be done up here before General Tenby comes.

We regretted being unable to visit Swansea, away to the north-east, and Carmarthen; but the coast between them is dangerous, and the passage would have occupied a considerable time. We should also have liked to look into the very pretty little seaside place of Tenby, on the west of Carmarthen Bay. Swansea is a town of very considerable importance.

I could see the great ness of Tenby far before me across the hills, and presently at a turn in the road I saw Howel and Eric and his men ahead of me. They had taken the stag, and knew that I should make my way back, and so troubled not at all for me. There Howel and I parted from the Danes, they going back to Tenby, while we returned slowly to Pembroke.

I thought that the poor soul had surely gone distracted with the fear of the forest beasts on him, so that he no longer knew friend from foe, and I wondered how long he had been bound here in this lonely place. I had seen no house or trace of men between here and Tenby.