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John was to give a reading, and Charles Stuart and Teenie Johnstone were in Elizabeth's dialogue. The Martins alone were not amongst the artists, and Elizabeth's heart ached for Susie.

"I'd better not speak at all," said Miss Teenie, who by this time was in a very bad temper. "I never could mind the names of the Royal Family, let alone the aristocracy. I always thought there was a weakness about the people who liked to read in the papers and talk about those kind of folk. I'm sure when I do read about them they're always doing something kind of indecent, like getting divorced.

"But please tell me more about your minister's bride does she belong to Priorsford?" "English," said Miss Teenie, "and smokes, and plays golf, and wears skirts near to her knees. What in the world she'll look like at the missionary work party or attending the prayer meeting I cannot think. Poor Mr. Morrison must be demented, and he is such a good preacher."

It it's only I just wonder sometimes what God had in mind, anyways making our kind. Where do we belong " "Aw, you're a great Heavy, Teenie and it's the Bigs and the Littles got the cinch in this business. Looka the poor Siamese. How'd you like to be hitched up thataway all day. Looka Ossi. How'd you like to let 'em stick pins in you all for their ten cents' worth. Looka poor old Jas.

"Ain't you feeling well, honey? Let me fix you an egg?" "A little swig, Teenie a little one, is all I ask." "No, no please, Jastrow; don't begin just as I had you forgetting." "It does me good, I tell you. I know my constitution better than a quack country boob does. I'm a freak, I am a prize concession that has to be treated special. Since that last swig, I tell you, I been a different man.

Miss Teenie nearly always followed the lead of her elder sister, so she meekly went off to look out and air her most self-respecting under garments, though she protested, "Not half aired they'll be, and as likely as not I'll catch my death," and added bitterly, "It's not all pleasure knowing the aristocracy."

I got the means and a place out in Ohio I can rent 'til I buy it some day. A farm! Fresh milk! Leghorns! I'll take him out there, Doc. Eighty miles from where I was born. I was thinking of laying up awhile, anyways. I got the means. I'll pull him through, Doctor. I'll pull him through! THE BARON: Good God! Teenie you crazy Worth her weight in gold.

The third act took place on board ship a ship flying the Jolly Roger and it was obvious to the meanest intelligence that the word was pirate. "Very good," said Miss Teenie, clapping her hands; "but," addressing the Mhor, "don't you go lighting any more funeral pyres. Boys who do that have to go to jail."

Teenie Johnstone forgot her lines three times in watching her, and Charles Stuart said he wished she wouldn't go at it quite so hard, she made him feel queer all over. And at the end of one stormy scene, Rosie ran to her and said: "Oh, Lizzie, it was awful! I thought you must be really, truly crying!"

My hands were all scorched, and of course the curtain was beyond hope, but when the doctor saw it, he said, 'Teenie, he said his mither and ours were cousins, you know 'you're just a wee marvel. That was what he said 'a wee marvel." Jean said, "You were brave," and one of the guests said that presence of mind was a wonderful thing, and then the next act was ready.