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Rub lumps of loaf-sugar on fine ripe lemons till the yellow rind is all grated off; scraping up the sugar in a tea-spoon, and putting it on a plate as you proceed. When you have enough, press it down into a little glass or china jar, and cover it closely. This will be found very fine to flavour puddings and cakes. Prepare essence of orange-peel in the same manner.

With a sudden cry he dipped his hand into his breast-pocket and drew forth the bottle he had borne away from Mr. Druce's. He snatched out his watch: one o'clock! fifteen minutes overdue. Wildly he called the waiter back. "A tea-spoon, quick! No port. A wine-glass and a tea-spoon.

To what end? Ippolyte Ippolytovich sat in the large, bare dining-room eating chicken cutlets and broth. A napkin was tied round his neck as if he were a child. Vasena fed him from a tea-spoon, and afterwards led him into his study. The old man lay down on a sofa, put his hand behind his head and fell asleep, his eyes half-open. Ilya went to him in the study.

Of course it's not proper. The neighbours will talk." "Oh, no, not with a chaperon. Besides nobody minds anything odd nowadays." Cynthia meanwhile as she lay stretched in a deep arm-chair, playing with the tea-spoon in her shapely fingers, was a pleasant vision.

But I forgive her. With this affecting speech Mr Mantalini fell down again very flat, and lay to all appearance without sense or motion, until all the females had left the room, when he came cautiously into a sitting posture, and confronted Ralph with a very blank face, and the little bottle still in one hand and the tea-spoon in the other.

But more quickly than it would have taken her to ring the bell, and await the servant's response to the summons, she was back again, carrying something carefully in her hand. "Aunt," she said, "is it not a good idea? As you have a tea-spoon I don't suppose Tiny used the spoon, did he? I thought, instead of ringing for another, I would bring out the ghost-cup for Sir Robert.

How does it go?" She flipped through her notebook. "Ah! here it is." And she proceeded to read, with appropriate punctuation with her tea-spoon on the edge of her saucer: "A book of verses underneath the bough A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and Thou Beside me, singing in the wilderness; O, wilderness were Paradise enow!"

Or roll it in crimping rollers, work it through a cullender, or scoop it with a tea-spoon; mix it with grated beef, tongue, or anchovies. Garnish with a wreath of curled parsley, and it will serve as a little dish. BUTTERMILK, if made of sweet cream, is a delicious and very wholesome article of food.

'I should think so myself, aunt, I am sure, said I. 'Well, then, why DON'T you think so? said my aunt. 'Because you and I are very different people, I returned. 'Stuff and nonsense, Trot! replied my aunt. MY aunt went on with a quiet enjoyment, in which there was very little affectation, if any; drinking the warm ale with a tea-spoon, and soaking her strips of toast in it.

"Don't you want to see your presents?" asked Rorie, looking at her, in half-stupid wonder at such calm superiority. "They will keep till we have done tea. I can guess pretty well what they are like. How many church-services have people sent me, mamma?" "I think the last made fourteen," murmured the Duchess, trifling with her tea-spoon. "And how many 'Christian Years'?" "Nine."