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Four rifles, which lay on the carpet of balsam boughs, looked clean and well cared for. The dishes, pans, tea-pots, etc., which were mostly of white enamel, with some china of an ordinary sort, were clean and shining. Long strings of dressed deerskin, and a few moccasins hung from the poles round the opening at the top.

To my great satisfaction I discerned that a well-filled table had been spread just inside the entrance-door, from which they were served as soon as chairs had been handed them; and from time to time great motherly tea-pots went the rounds, to fill all cups a second time.

But there was not much danger of such a calamity; the reservoir was yet half full, and when it was empty, ways and means could be devised with the permission of De Beers to fill the tea-pots. The ladies were reassured. Huge posters, proclaiming Martial Law, adorned the dead walls, and were being eagerly scanned by the populace.

On the floor are a number of little spirit-lamps, little pipes, little lacquer trays, little tea-pots, little cups all the accessories and all the remains of a Japanese feast, resembling nothing so much as a doll's tea-party.

This disadvantage may be remedied in Wedgwood ware, by occasionally boiling the tea-pots in a vessel of hot water. In preparing to make tea, let the pot be twice scalded from the tea-kettle, which must be boiling hard at the moment the water is poured on the tea; otherwise it will be weak and insipid, even when a large quantity is put in.

He is asked the name of the monastery of which he claims to be the head, how far off it is, and how many monks live in it; he must also describe the habits of the deceased Grand Lama and the manner of his death. Then various articles, as prayer-books, tea-pots, and cups, are placed before him, and he has to point out those used by himself in his previous life.

"It's plain to me that we must pairt, freen'," said Swankie in a dogged manner, as he lifted a keg out of the boat and placed it on the ground. "Ay," exclaimed Spink, with something of a sneer, "an' d'ye think I'll pairt without a diveesion o' the siller tea-pots and things that ye daurna sell for fear o' bein' fund out?"

May be you've been in the barroom of an old Flemish inn faith, but a handsome chamber it was as you'd wish to see; with a brick floor, a great fire-place, with the whole Bible history in glazed tiles; and then the mantel-piece, pitching itself head foremost out of the wall, with a whole regiment of cracked tea-pots and earthen jugs paraded on it; not to mention half a dozen great Delft platters hung about the room by way of pictures; and the little bar in one corner, and the bouncing bar-maid inside of it with a red calico cap and yellow ear-drops.

Gifts and souvenirs were plentiful, even to the blue silk keepsake of the first Mrs. John. Then came old-fashioned silver spoons and knives and tea-pots, heir-looms, they said, from the old country. A bit of coarse paper bore an order for supplies for soldiers upon the Commissaire at Nice, and was signed with the genuine autograph of the great Napoleon.

And then she got the tea-caddy and put seven teaspoonfuls of tea into one of the tea-pots. "It's very kind of you, I'm sure," whimpered the authentic Mrs. Henry Leek. "Now, mother, don't give way!" the curates admonished her. "Don't you remember, Henry," she went on whimpering to Priam, "how you said you wouldn't be married in a church, not for anybody?