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Housewifely Patty ran away, happy in her new role of hostess to a house party. The men still sat on the tea-porch, smoking, and talking over the political situation. "Here you are again," Chick greeted her; "but where's the che-ild? I must see that youngster to-night. I've I've brought her a present."

Across both ends of the house ran wide verandahs, with porte cochère, sun parlour, conservatory and tea-porch breaking the monotony. Patty's own bedroom was an exquisite nest, done up in blue and silver, and her boudoir, opening from it, was a dream of pink and white. Then came the baby's quarters; the day nursery, gay with pictured walls and the sun porch, bright and airy.

Beautiful nearby effects, and a long distance view beside. This porch for mine, all the time I'm here." "But you haven't seen the other places yet," Patty demurred. "There's a tea-porch " "Wistaria, too?" "Yes, of course." "Lead me to it!" and Elise jumped up, and made for the house. Then they all strolled through the wide hall and out at the back door on to the tea-porch.

"Come for a ride, Patty Maman?" asked her husband, as they left the little Fleurette's presence. "No; let's go for a walk. I want to look over the west glade, and see if it will stand a Japanese tea-house there." "All right, come ahead. You've not forgotten your dinky tea-porch?" "No; but this is different. A tea-house is lovely, and " "All right, Madame Butterfly, have one if you like.