United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"You know it is the business of the American Embassy to look after its fellow countrymen in a foreign land, so this is only my plain duty." "Best let him, Miss," said Mrs. Trott approvingly. "Mr. Max do always take thought for others. But where happens Miss Connie to- day?" "Oh, Miss Connie's gone to a tea-fight of some kind," replied Mr. Max, giving Frances another mischievous glance.

It was very like an American tea-fight in the country, and the audience were unquestionably enthusiastic.

Leaving Miles to consult his lawyer, we will now turn to a meeting a grand tea-fight in the great hall of the Institute, that took place a few days after the return of the troop-ship which brought our hero and his friends to England. Some telling incidents occurred at this fight which render it worthy of notice.

In the years to come I would take my grandchildren on my knee and tell them stories of the old days when grandfather was a civilian, of desperate charges by church-wardens and organists, and warm receptions; and sometimes I would hold the old top-hat reverently in my hands, and a sudden gleam would come into my eyes, so that those watching me would say to each other, "He is thinking of that tea-fight at Rutland Gate in 1912."

Max's glance was one of affection, for this was the scene of many happy boyhood days. "I think I'd shy just as quickly at an American tea-fight," he said at length. "As for being neither English nor American, I love both countries. I would certainly be loyal to my own, but I would also take up arms for England, if the time ever came that she needed me and the two duties didn't conflict."

Now she was very pretty, with dancing blue eyes and a profusion of golden curls; she had, too, a most winning manner, hard for any one to resist; and these personal attractions, added to style of dress that had never been seen or imagined among the simple country-folk, rendered her a most important person, so that no "tea-fight" or merry-making was complete without Nelly Curtis.

"I should not have thought wild horses would have dragged you to a tea-fight." "And they would not have done," Paul answered, with a laugh, "had I known that such a thing was in process; but, finding myself in London, I came to call in answer to a note of your mother's." A professional singer at the far end of the room rose preparatory to singing, and May gave an impatient little exclamation.

"'Cause the workhouse separates man and wife, in defiance of the Divine law `Whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder. They was fond of each other, was that old man and woman, and had lived long together, an' didn't want to part till death. Well, that old couple went to the tea-fight.

Some time after we had held out a helping hand to the poor civilians, we took it into our heads to invite some of 'em to a grand tea-fight in the big hall, so we asked a lot o' the poorest who had faithfully kept the pledge through their first teetotal Christmas; and it was a scrimmage, I can tell you.

When poor Hardy made out his will he made me residuary legatee because the trifle he had to leave his kit, etcetera, was not worth dividing between me and Armstrong. If it had been worth much he would have divided it. It is therefore my duty now to divide it with my friend." But in our anxiety to tell you these interesting facts, dear reader, we have run ahead of the tea-fight!