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I remember the time when I was afraid of the te-rain. Enter! This thing is the work of the Government. 'I do not fear, said the lama. 'Have ye room within for two? 'There is no room even for a mouse, shrilled the wife of a well-to-do cultivator a Hindu Jat from the rich Jullundur, district.

She is at least a woman of open hands, and I made a promise to return to her house if need arose. Then, perceiving myself alone in this great and terrible world, I bethought me of the te-rain to Benares, where I knew one abode in the Tirthankars' Temple who was a Seeker, even as I. 'Ah! Thy River, said Kim. 'I had forgotten the River. 'So soon, my chela? I have never forgotten it.

Return, old man, or the te-rain may depart without thee, cried the banker. 'Not only was it sufficient for the ticket, but for a little food also, said Kim, leaping to his place. 'Now eat, Holy One. Look. Day comes! Golden, rose, saffron, and pink, the morning mists smoked away across the flat green levels. All the rich Punjab lay out in the splendour of the keen sun.

This time it is a priest. Kim was in the road headlong, patting the dusty feet beneath the dirty yellow robe. 'I have waited here a day and a half, the lama's level voice began. 'Nay, I had a disciple with me. He that was my friend at the Temple of the Tirthankars gave me a guide for this journey. I came from Benares in the te-rain, when thy letter was given me. Yes, I am well fed.

The lama flinched a little as the telegraph-posts swung by. 'Great is the speed of the te-rain, said the banker, with a patronizing grin. 'We have gone farther since Lahore than thou couldst walk in two days: at even, we shall enter Umballa. 'And that is still far from Benares, said the lama wearily, mumbling over the cakes that Kim offered.

My bones ache for that River, as they ached in the te-rain; but my spirit sits above my bones, waiting. The Search is sure! 'I am answered. Is it permitted to ask a question? The lama inclined his stately head. 'I ate thy bread for three years as thou knowest. Holy One, whence came ? 'There is much wealth, as men count it, in Bhotiyal, the lama returned with composure.

At what hour runs the te-rain? He rose to his feet, looked round the desolate chamber and at the yellow-wax face of Huneefa as the low sun stole across the floor. 'Is there money to be paid that witch? 'No. She has charmed thee against all devils and all dangers in the name of her devils. It was Mahbub's desire. In English: 'He is highly obsolete, I think, to indulge in such supersteetion.

'Now another to Amritzar, said Kim, who had no notion of spending Mahbub Ali's money on anything so crude as a paid ride to Umballa. 'The price is so much. The small money in return is just so much. I know the ways of the te-rain ... Never did yogi need chela as thou dost, he went on merrily to the bewildered lama. 'They would have flung thee out at Mian Mir but for me. This way!

'But first I come to wander with thee. Therefore I am here. Who begs for thee, these days? he went on quickly. The ice was thin. 'Very often I beg myself; but, as thou knowest, I am seldom here, except when I come to look again at my disciple. From one end to another of Hind have I travelled afoot and in the te-rain. A great and a wonderful land!

I am marked' he touched the filthy bandage on his leg 'so that they will know me at Delhi. 'Thou art safe in the te-rain, at least. 'Live a year at the Great Game and tell me that again! The wires will be out against me at Delhi, describing every tear and rag upon me. Twenty a hundred, if need be will have seen me slay that boy. And thou art useless!