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'Tis not what is print' in the books, but what you learn through the books!" "Yes; and so you hadn't never ought to have made the bargain you made; but, my friends, a bargain's a bargain, and the teacher's" He paused invitingly, and an answer came from the audience. It was Catou who rose and said: "Naw, sah. Naw; he don't got to go!" But again 'Mian thundered: "Taise toi, Catou. Shot op!"

Besides, the sun and his amazing introduction to the island had given him a raging headache: he could not think clearly nor rid himself of the sinister suggestion of the town, of the house, of its three occupants in particular. The child touched a ringer to the hot lip of the pot, burned itself, and began to cry. "Taise," said the woman.

Now, for the rhyme, though we do not observe quantity, yet we observe the accent very precisely: which other languages either cannot do, or will not do so absolutely. That Caesura, or breathing place in the midst of the verse, neither Italian nor Spanish have; the French, and we, never almost fail of. The French, on the other side, hath both the male, as Bon, Son, and the female, as Plaise, Taise.

He paused for them as many as could to take in the meaning of his English speech, and, it may be, expecting some demonstration of approval; but dead silence reigned, all eyes on him save Bonaventure's and Sidonie's. He began again: "A bargain's a bargain!" And Chat-oué nodded approvingly and began to say audibly, "Yass;" but 'Mian thundered out: "Taise toi, Chat-oué! Shot op!"

Mais la Providence permit qu'un homme se trouvat qui n'a jamais su ce que c'est que la crainte; qui aima sa patrie mieux que sa renommee; impenetrable devant les menaces, inaccessible aux louanges, il se presenta devant le conseil de la nation, et levant son front tranquille en haut, il osa dire: 'Que la trahison se taise! car c'est trahir que de conseiller de temporiser avec Buonaparte.