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Sally's proper nickname was apparently "Chief," which the boys had given him because he had been a regular "Huck Finn" among the others. But in young manhood some said it was because "Marjorie Sweetapple went and took Johnnie Barton instead o' he" somehow or other "Chief" took a sudden "turn."

Our men had already invaded the house and were carrying the things away, and the population of Sweetapple Cove was gathering, for our departure was even a more wonderful event than our arrival. There was not a house in the Cove that Helen had not visited, and she has made friends with every last Tom, Dick and Harry in the place, and their wives and children.

She simply cuddled up to me as I sat in the only armchair in Sweetapple Cove and put her arm around my neck, and I could only grumble a little like a decrepit idiot.

Barnett laughed, ever so pleasantly, and declared that Susie was a good girl whose intentions were of the best. Then Daddy went on to explain to Mrs. Barnett the mystery of our presence here. He told how our second mate had boasted of the salmon that swarmed in Sweetapple Cove, and how in a moment of folly he had decided to forsake the Tobique for that year and explore new ground.

In the meanwhile I am having a rather good time," I answered. For quite a while she remained silent, seeming to be engaged in profound calculations. After this she again watched the waters and the rugged coast, and the birds wheeling and screaming over shoals of fish. We soon neared the entrance to Sweetapple Cove and Miss Jelliffe looked at it with renewed interest.

The men went away to where we had left the dead stag and returned with big haunches and other butcher-shop things, which they packed up in huge loads. It appears that my lucky shot has contributed considerably to the provisionment of Sweetapple Cove. By the way, this place, which I once rather despised, looked most attractive when we came down towards it from the hills.

"Ef it's anythin' bad I'm a-beggin' yer pardon." "You are a perfect dear, Captain Sammy," I told him. "Indeed it means something very nice." Profound relief appeared upon his countenance. I am discovering that in Sweetapple Cove one must limit one's vocabulary. The old man would probably not appreciate chocolates, but he deserves them.

After a moment she was restless again, and we went out on the porch. We could hear Susie Sweetapple messing about in her kitchen, whose destinies she again cheerfully controls, and presently some men came down the road, carrying a bed. "'Un says he've got ter have his bed at Frenchy's," one of them explained to me. "'Un's scared to give the diphtherias ter Sammy's young 'uns."

I looked around the room, where there was an awful penury of all sorts of things, so that I went up to our house and brought back some provisions. I am afraid that I established a corner in milk, for I took nearly all that the poor, lone, lean cow of Sweetapple Cove could provide. When Mr. Barrett finally sat down I noticed that he looked quite weary and exhausted.

I considered that we were lucky to have found our way into Sweetapple Cove without any particular disaster, but of course such luck could not last long.