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The husband bent double at sight of her, stopped, took off his hat, slapped his knee, and relieved his feelings by a sounding "Who-ee!" "What's de mattah wid you, Ben? You ac' lak you mighty happy. Bettah come on in hyeah an' git yo' suppah fo' hit gits col'." For answer, the big fellow dropped the hoe and, seizing the slight form in his arms, swung her around until she gasped for breath.

I think thu Lawd took thet way o' breakin' thu news to us, gentle like, thet Fawtune is goin' to smile on us. Betcha we have pie an' ice cream feh suppah." He was still more optimistic when he came in, an hour or so after supper was over, to where Douglass sat thoughtfully smoking a cigar. His manner was even jubilant as he struck a match and sucked vivaciously at the proffered weed.

"Yes, in de mornin'. Heah am yer suppah chile; now eat it an den go to sleep, honey, for it am all ober." Consequently next morning at early daylight the children were mounted on horses, the chief mode of travel in Virginia at that time, and, accompanied by their aunt's husband and two negro slaves, they set off on the long journey. Mrs.

"President gwine to gib brekfus' an' dinnah an suppah to de likes ob you fo' de whole remaindah oh youh wuthless nat'ral life? Get out ob my sight, you reconstuckted niggah. I come out oh de St. Michael." There came through the window immediately upon this sounds of scuffling and of a fall, and then cries for help which took me running into the dilapidated building.

Just now she was trying to be cross, but the smile of welcome on the broad face would have its way. "Set down an' rest yo' weary bones, honey. I'll have yo' suppah dished up in no time a-tall. Yore paw was axin' where is you awhile ago." "Where's dad?" asked Miss Bertie Lee Snaith carelessly as she flung her gloves on a chair.

"All right," she said, as she returned to the room, "set down an' lemme fix you some suppah." "I ain't hardly got the time. I got to git away from hyeah." But the smell of the new baked biscuits was in his nostrils and he could not resist the temptation to sit down. He was eating hastily, but with appreciation, when the door opened and two minions of the law entered.

Of course, Mamma Vi won't; if she meant to she'd have done it before now, and you'd have heard from him, too." A step came along the hall, the door opened, and Agnes appeared bearing a large silver waiter. "Ise brung yo' suppah, chillens," she said, setting it down on a table.

The kind captain realized that his pupils were but boys and should not be treated as real prisoners, even when they did break the academy rules. "Heah is yo' suppah, sah!" announced Alexander, the waiter, as he set the tray on the table. "Sorry I can't leave the light, sah." He referred to a lamp, also, on the tray, which he now removed. "What have you got?" asked Tom, sitting up.

"Culpeper County!" ejaculated Rogers, bringing his chair to a level with a bang and planting a hand on each knee. "Why, thet's my county, an' thar ain't another lak it on the livin' airth. Cynthy Ann," he called, striding to the back door, "you an' Dink skeer up somethin' extry fur suppah, can't you? This young feller's frum Culpeper County.

"Yo' jes come along outen this night air, bof of yo', an' have yo' suppah. Come on along, Miss Ann. Come on along, yo' young Miss Natalie." "Just a minute, mammy; in just a minute," gasped Natalie. "You go put supper on the table." Then she rose to her feet, and drew her mother up to her. "Kiss me," she said and smiled. She was suddenly strong again with the strength of youth.