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There wasn't any use trying to melt a sundae with it, anyhow. "Sure, it's a good year on the range and the price of cows jumping," he heard his sub-conscious self make answer to the patronizing inquiries of him of the "boiled" shirt. "Funny how pretty hair of that color was especially when there was so much of it.

The invitation was accepted, the vivacious Miss Kelsey acting as spokesman or spokeswoman in the matter. "I think you must be a mind-reader, Mr. Speranza," she declared. "I am dying for a sundae and I have just discovered that I haven't my purse or a penny with me.

Fools and idiots! Damn!" "It isn't conversation I care for. It's too much like having a man around again." Mrs. Schuneman was quite shocked. After they had made their choice and had a bird in a neat little wooden cage and had bought a fine brass cage for a permanent home they stopped at a confectioner's for a sundae.

So Jo Nails, Jo Cake, Jo Ham and Jo Stockings were all four made Majors, while the next four Jo Sandwich, Jo Padlocks, Jo Sundae and Jo Buttons were appointed Captains of the Army. But now Queen Ann was in a quandary.

But it did look Tough to see Mere Children of about twenty-three Years of Age going after the Dry Manhattans. After sounding the Men on the Liquor Question the long-headed Girl made a solemn Resolve that she would never hit up anything stronger than Cherry Sundae. She was invited to a Swell Dinner Party at which all the Nice Men in Town were to be rounded up.

"Oh, I beg your pardon," Joe hastened to say. "I mean a chocolate nut sundae. I was thinking of goldfish that's all." "That's different," laughed the clerk. "I thought you were trying to jolly me with the name of a new drink." And while Joe ate his cream his thoughts were busy with the idea which had suddenly come to him. "I wonder if Jim Tracy will stand for it," he mused.

"Hello, girls!" he said. "What strikes you to-day?" "Me for a raspberry nut sundae," announced Eda, and Janet, being unable to imagine any more delectable confection, assented. The penetrating odour peculiar to drugstores, dominated by menthol and some unnamable but ancient remedy for catarrh, was powerless to interfere with their enjoyment. The circus began at two.

I smell the blood of an ice-cream sundae!" The cop has his eye on you!" Therein lay some of the wonder of her freshet laughter. Because to Marylin a police officer was not merely a uniformed mentor of the law, designed chiefly to hold up traffic for her passing, and with his night stick strike security into her heart as she hurried home of short, wintry evenings.

He was helped to a realization of his need by seeing the owner of the smile disappear in an adjoining drug store. She was beginning on a nut sundae when the puncher drifted in. She continued to devote even her eyes to its consumption, while the foreman opened a casual conversation with the drug clerk and lit his cigar.

"Didn't notice that he waved any program," said Louise. "Don't give up," Margaret encouraged. "I could manage another sundae." "So could I if I had the price," said Helen dryly. Cleo tapped on the table and Tommie sauntered back. "Say Tommie, you know we are strangers here," she began adroitly, "and don't know a single Girl Scout in town, and we are supposed to keep up our activities.