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Like a good lawyer, he slipped in the crucial question of his cross-examination between two blind ones. "All who die outside of the church go to Hell, don't they?" he asked. "Sister Sulpicia says so." He pursued the line no further; he never needed to; and after a time the storm of doctrine died down in her.

At the same time the description of Sulpicia as a poetess seems to point to her as authoress of the pieces that bear her name, and from one or two allusions we gather that Messala was paying her attentions that were distasteful but hard to refuse. The materials for coming to a decision are so scanty, that it seems best to leave the authorship an open question.

All was done as thus agreed on; and when the duchess-dowager died, Cornelia made her entrance into Ferrara, rejoicing the eyes of all who beheld her: the mourning weeds were exchanged for festive robes, the two housekeepers were enriched, and Sulpicia was married to Fabio.

Alfonso then took the infant from Sulpicia, and, presenting it to Lorenzo, he said, "Signor and brother, receive your nephew, my son, and see whether it please you to give permission for the public solemnisation of my marriage with this peasant girl the only one to whom I have ever been betrothed."

It is followed by thirteen most graceful elegidia ascribed to the lovers Cerinthus and Sulpicia of which one only is by Cerinthus. It is not certain whether this ascription is genuine, or whether, as the ancient life of Tibullus in the Parisian codex asserts, the poems were written by him under the title of Epistolae amatoriae.

The curious set of little poems going under the name of Sulpicia, and included in the volume, will be noticed later. Tibullus might be succinctly and perhaps not unjustly described as a Virgil without the genius.

They have all the same directness, which sometimes becomes a splendid simplicity. One note, reproaching him for a supposed infidelity Si tibi cura togae potior pressumque quasillo Scortum quam Servi filia Sulpicia has all the noble pride of Shakespeare's Imogen.

But it seems that Sulpicia did not give the babe to Fabio, but to some other person instead of him, and the child does not appear, neither is the Lady Cornelia to be found, in spite of the duke's researches. He admits, that all these things have happened by his fault; but declares, that whenever your sister shall appear, he is ready to receive her as his legitimate wife.

VERGINIUS RUFUS wrote erotic poems, and an epigram of his is quoted by Pliny. VESTRICIUS SPURINNA was a lyricist, and had been consul under Domitian; a fine account of him is given by Pliny. The only Roman poetess of whom we possess any fragment, belongs to this epoch, the highborn lady SULPICIA. She is celebrated by Martial for her chaste love- elegies, and for fidelity to her husband Calenus.

He describes the conflict he had to maintain against yourself; and adds, that when he went to seek Cornelia, he found only her waiting-woman, Sulpicia, who is the woman you see yonder: from her he has learned that her lady had just given birth to a son, whom she entrusted to a servant of the duke, and then left the house in terror, because she feared that you, Signor Lorenzo, had been made aware of her secret marriage: the lady hoped, moreover, to find the duke awaiting her in the street.