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Barbarossa had once more proved to the world that the Turkish fleet was invincible. The flag of Suleymān floated supreme in all the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Von Hammer, Gesch. d. Osm. Reiches, ii. 142. Hājji Khalīfa, 58. Jurien de la Gravière, Doria et Barberousse, Pt. II., ch. xlii.-xlv.; Hājji Khalīfa, 62; Von Hammer, ii. 155; Morgan, 290.

When they came north, I joined the party at Damascus and travelled with them for their last fortnight. It did not take me many minutes in the camp to see that Suleymân was not himself, and that my friends were not so charmed with him as I had thought they would be. On the first evening in their tent I heard complaints.

Angelo were strengthened; bastions were skilfully planned, flanking angles devised, ravelins and cavaliers erected, ditches deepened, parapets raised, embrasures opened, and every device of sixteenth-century fortification as practised by Master Evangelista, chief engineer of the Order, was brought into use. For the Knights knew that Suleymān lived and was mightier than ever.

The preacher was Suleymân, at struggle with the Heavy Ones. He was not at all abashed when he caught sight of me. One afternoon a nephew of the stable-owner, who was something of a blood, proposed that we should ride together out towards Bethlehem. His horse was a superb and showy stallion, quite beyond his power to manage properly.

'And if the buyer will not pay the price, though much reduced, the merchant often will present the object to him, as happened to your Honour in Aleppo only the other day, put in Rashîd. 'That was only a device to shame me into buying it. 'No, by your Honour's leave! 'Rashîd may well be right, said Suleymân, 'although I cannot judge of the peculiar instance since I was not present.

'So Haji Suleyman Khan bore those holy bodies to his house, shrouded them in white silk, placed them in a chest, and, after a while, transported them to Tihran, where they remained in trust till such time as instructions for their interment in a particular spot were issued by the Sources of the will of the Eternal Beauty. Different names, however, are given by Nicolas, AMB, p. 381.

Upon the other hand, we all three argued with Sheykh Yûsuf that he should leave the place at once and lay his case before the Governor. 'We will go with him, said Suleymân to me, 'in order that your Honour may be made acquainted with the Governor a person whom you ought to know. His property will not be damaged in his absence, for they fear the law.

He used, in turn, three rifles, which his sons kept loading for him. He was seated, as we afterwards found out, because he had been shot in the leg. I was for dashing to his rescue, and Rashîd was following. We should both have lost our lives, most probably, if Suleymân had not shouted at that moment, in stentorian tones: 'Desist, in the name of the Sultan and all the Powers of Europe!

'Upon my head; I go to fetch him, answered Câsim, touching his brow in token of obedience. When he was gone, Suleymân observed significantly: 'Have naught to do with all these fathers of kîrâts. When once the word "kîrât" is mentioned, flee the place, for you may be assured that it is the abode of all bedevilment.

I told him that I came with tidings of a grave disturbance in his district, and then left Suleymân to tell the story of Sheykh Yûsuf and his neighbours and the battle we had witnessed in the olive grove before his house. Suleymân exhausted all his powers of language and of wit, making a veritable poem of the episode. The Governor did not appear profoundly interested. 'Sheykh Yûsuf!