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John Sugden, too, visited them often, not only staying at Cargill during his regular appointments, but often riding over to take a day's recreation with the old Cameronian. True, they disputed the whole time.

In the semi-final of the Ladies' Open Singles at Romsey I met Miss Sugden, whose well-merited reputation as a lawn tennis player is more or less a local one, chiefly for the reason that she has not competed in any of the first-class tournaments. It was a close afternoon, and the court being heavy we both felt the heat very much as the game progressed.

He had assured himself on the road that he would only tell John just as much as was necessary for his quest; but he was quite unable to resist the preacher's hearty sympathy. There never were two men more unlike than Andrew Cargill and John Sugden, and yet they loved each other at once. "He is a son o' consolation, and dootless ane o' God's chosen," said Andrew to Mysie on his return.

Next Christmas eve a brother of the murdered man Captain Tom, as his old troopers still called him met old Sugden in the postoffice and a revolver duel followed. From it Captain Tom emerged with a bullet in his arm. Sugden was carried out of the store feet first to a house of mourning. The Boones took their time. Another decade passed.

Well, the rim is as stiff and as sharp as a cleaver, that's a fact, I don't wonder it cut you. 'Eddis's pictur capital painting, fell out of the barge, and was drowned. 'Having been beat on the shillin' duty; they will attach him on the fourpence, and thimble rigg him out of that. 'They say Sugden is in town, hung in a bad light, at the Temple Church. 'Who is that? 'Lady Fobus; paired off for the Session; Brodie operated. Lady Francis; got the Life Guards; there will be a division to-night. That's Sam Slick; I'll introduce you; made a capital speech in the House of Lords, in answer to Brougham Lobelia voted for the bill The Duchess is very fond of Irish Arms

Well, the rim is as stiff and as sharp as a cleaver, that's a fact, I don't wonder it cut you. 'Eddis's pictur capital painting, fell out of the barge, and was drowned. 'Having been beat on the shillin' duty; they will attach him on the fourpence, and thimble rigg him out of that. 'They say Sugden is in town, hung in a bad light, at the Temple Church. 'Who is that? 'Lady Fobus; paired off for the Session; Brodie operated. Lady Francis; got the Life Guards; there will be a division to-night. That's Sam Slick; I'll introduce you; made a capital speech in the House of Lords, in answer to Brougham Lobelia voted for the bill The Duchess is very fond of Irish Arms

It was a proud moment whenever there was the remotest allusion to his authorship, and I always loved to compliment him on his books. In the famous case of Lord St. Leonards's will, which had been lost, I supported the lost will, and proved its contents from the evidence of Miss Sugden and others. Sam Warren had been in the habit of visiting Lord St. Leonards at Boyle Farm, Ditton.

He was opposed by nearly all the legal members of the House except the crown lawyers, Sir Edward Sugden especially warning the House that "a resolution of the House was of no avail in a court of justice;" while others taunted the House with want of courage in not proceeding against the judges themselves, rather than against their officers, which in this case the sheriffs were.

In reading it, we recall the great authoritative treatises of the profession, such as Abbott on Shipping, or Sugden on Vendors, and we are also the more disgusted with the hotchpots of the "United States Digest," called law-books.

Replying to the allegation that he was only the son of a country barber, Sugden said: "His Lordship has told you that I am nothing but the son of a country barber; but he has not told you all, for I have been a barber myself, and worked in my father's shop, and all I wish to say about that is, that had his Lordship been born the son of a country barber, he would have been a barber still!"