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It was for this that many other heroes, the Pancalas, with all their followers, could be slain by him. Thou shouldst not suffer thy mind to dwell on it. It was not Drona's son that accomplished that act. It was done through the grace of Mahadeva. Do now what should next be done." The end of Sauptika-parva. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Stri-parva

Having finished the ceremony, the king with his senses exceedingly agitated, rose from the waters of Ganga." The end of Stri-parva. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose from the Original Sanskrit Text by Kisari Mohan Ganguli Scanned at sacred-texts.com, 2004. Proofed by John Bruno Hare, November 2004. Om!

"'During the recitation of the Stri-parva, foremost of brahmanas should be entertained with gems and precious stones; and during the recitation of the Aishika-parva, rice boiled in ghee should first be given, and then food pure and well-cooked, and possessed of every desirable quality, should be presented. "'During the recitation of the Shanti-parva, the brahmanas should be fed with havisya.

Do not, therefore, grieve, in a matter that was inevitable, especially after its occurrence. Having fallen in battle, they should not be grieved for. I am in the same predicament with thee. Through my fault, this foremost of races has been destroyed." Here ends the Jalapradanika-parva in the Stri-parva.