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He controls congressmen, state senators and assemblymen, and the majority of the Common Council is his, body and soul. Only recently he gave the traction company a new right of way. Not a penny went into the city's purse. And you know these street-railways; they never pay their taxes. A franchise for ninety-nine years; think of it!" "Why don't you men wake up and oust McQuade?

Cowperwood in his situation, and I certainly don't blame him for buying up street-railways if he can; but I really don't see what can be done for him very well in this crisis. I don't know about you, gentlemen, but I am rather certain that I am not in a position to pick other people's chestnuts out of the fire if I wanted to, just now.

"Oh, the boys must make a little somethin' on the side," said Butler, cheerfully. "I think they've been buyin' up street-railways, for one thing." He stuck his thumbs in the armholes of his vest. Both Mollenhauer and Simpson smiled wan smiles. "Quite so," said Mollenhauer. Senator Simpson merely looked the deep things that he thought.

Van Degen shrugged. "Nobody knows how it's coming out That queer chap Elmer Moffatt threatens to give old Driscoll a fancy ball says he's going to dress him in stripes! It seems he knows too much about the Apex street-railways." Undine paled a little.

"But it was old Mallowe" Blaine's tone was puzzled "who succeeded in transferring all that worthless land he'd acquired to Lawton, when Lawton wouldn't come in and help him on that Street-Railways grab, which would have made him practically sole owner of all the suburban real estate around Illington, wasn't it?" "Sure it was!" laughed Carlis, ponderously.

To own these street-railways! So rang the song of his mind. Like the gas situation, the Chicago street-railway situation was divided into three parts three companies representing and corresponding with the three different sides or divisions of the city.

The banks are going to call their loans unless some arrangement can be made to prevent them. No one man can do that. It will have to be a combination of men. You and Mr. Simpson and Mr. Mollenhauer might do it that is, you could if you could persuade the big banking people to combine to back the market. There is going to be a raid on local street-railways all of them.

Caesar's wife finds it difficult to persuade honorable men that she merely had a financial cold, but not the smallest interest in a corner in handkerchiefs. In the great majority of German cities public-utility services, gas, water, electricity, street-railways, slaughter-houses, and even canals, docks, and pawn-shops are owned and controlled by the cities themselves.

These men who had thus foolishly parted with an indefinite lease of their holdings had not really considered what they were doing. This matter of Chicago street-railways, once he had them well in hand, could be made to yield such splendid profits! He could incorporate and overcapitalize.

"He's loaned a good deal about five hundred thousand dollars to this young Cowperwood in Third Street, that's been handlin' city loan. They've been investin' it for themselves in one thing and another mostly in buyin' up street-railways." If he doesn't hold out, there'll be five hundred thousand dollars missin' from the city treasury which can't be put back.