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Even in England and America, where personal liberty of action is most prized, time was when statutes were enacted almost putting people and business in strait-jackets. In English Norfolk as late as Henry VIII's time no one was to "dye, shear or calender" cloth except in the town of Norwich; and no one in the northern counties was to make "worsted coverlets" except in the city of York.

By what miracle had he escaped from the watery grave? From the time he was a small boy the study of locks and bolts, of knots and strait-jackets, of anything that could restrain or bind a man, had held a marvelous fascination for him, until now he was recognized as one of the world's greatest experts on these subjects.

Round and round she went, faster and faster, while the five beholders gasped and stared, with visions of madhouses, strait-jackets, and padded rooms, rushing through their bewildered brains. Her pale cheeks glowed with colour; her eyes shone; she gave a wild shriek of laughter, and threw herself, panting, into a chair by the fireside. "Three cheers for Mariquita! Ho! ho! he! Didn't I do it well?

The Sorrows of the Sutler The Sutler's Tent Generals manufactured by the Dailies Fighting and Writing A Glandered Horse Courts-martial Mania of a Pigeon-hole General on the Subject Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel in Strait-Jackets.

He had pistols and a cutlass in his belt; for his mode of administration being such as provoked even hospital patients to revolt, his life had been more than once in danger amongst them. He was followed by two assistants, who carried hand-cuffs and strait-jackets.

She thought They might be brutal wardens and assembled before her, in a terrifying battalion, the strait-jackets and tortures she'd found in some of the older English novels. "So I said to the men: 'We've got to govern ourselves. We haven't got a damned word'" really abashed he looked at Anne "I beg your pardon. 'We haven't got a word to say in this government we're under; but say we have.

And Farmer Atwood's knife and fork came down into the dish of ham with an onslaught that would have appalled a Jew. "The governor is right, mother," said the young man referred to as Roger. "We shall all be in strait-jackets for the summer." The speaker could not have been much more than twenty years old, although in form he appeared a full-grown man.

Holt was already arranging his book-marks in the Bible, while Joshua and Robert, in black cutaways that seemed to have the benumbing and paralyzing effect of strait-jackets, wandered aimlessly about the room, as though its walls were the limit of their movements. The children had a subdued and touch-me-not air that reminded Honora of her own youth.

They will very soon become insane, and will have to be put in strait-jackets when they go to the Institute, on the days when there are meetings. That idea pleases me."

That night he dreamed of windows with iron bars across them, and strait-jackets, into which he was thrusting his brother, while a face, the loveliest he had ever seen, looked reproachfully at him, with tears in the soft blue eyes, and a pleading pathos in the voice which said words he could not understand, for the language was a strange one to him who only knew his own.