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"Yes, yes; very nice, and I know I shall enjoy it ever so much. But I don't know what you will think of that poor young Burnamy!" "Why, what's happened to him?" "Happened? Stoller's happened." "Oh, have you seen him, already? Well?" "Well, if you had been going to pick out that type of man, you'd have rejected him, because you'd have said he was too pat.

Stoller's father and mother were poor emigrants who made their way to the West with the instinct for sordid prosperity native to their race and class; and they set up a small butcher shop in the little Indiana town where their son was born, and throve in it from the start.

Stoller's courage, which had come and gone at moments throughout, rose at the end, and while they lingered at the table well on to the hour of ten, he said, in the sort of helpless offence he had with Burnamy, "What's the reason we can't all go out tomorrow to that old castle you was talking about?" "To Engelhaus?

He accused some of Stoller's most honored and envied capitalists of being the source of our worst corruptions, and guiltier than the voting-cattle whom they bought and sold. "I think we can get rid of the whole trouble if we go at it the right way," Stoller said, diverging for the sake of the point he wished to bring in. "I believe in having the government run on business principles.

She rose as if she were going to begin at once, in spite of his laughing; and in fact she had already a plan for coming to Stoller's assistance by getting at Burnamy through Miss Triscoe, whom she suspected of knowing where he was.

Stoller let another silence elapse while they hurried on, before he said, "I got to thinking what he done afterwards. He wasn't bound to look out for me; he might suppose I knew what I was about." March turned his face and stared in Stoller's, which he was letting hang forward as he stamped heavily on.

"Perhaps you had," she said, and they both laughed, though he laughed with a knot between his eyes. "The fact is, you know, this isn't my treat, exactly. It's Mr. Stoller's." At the surprise in her face he hurried on. "He's got back his first letter in the paper, and he's so much pleased with the way he reads in print, that he wants to celebrate." "Yes," said Mrs. March, non-committally.

But now, at the change in Burnamy's tone, he changed his manner a little. "Seen your friends since supper?" he asked. "Only a moment. They are rather tired, and they've gone to bed." That the fellow that edits that book you write for?" "Yes; he owns it, too." The notion of any sort of ownership moved Stoller's respect, and he asked more deferentially, "Makin' a good thing out of it?"

As for Burnamy's beauty it was not necessary to insist upon that; he had the distinction of slender youth; and she liked to think that no Highhote there was of a more patrician presence than this yet unprinted contributor to 'Every Other Week'. He and Stoller seemed on perfect terms; or else in his joy he was able to hide the uneasiness which she had fancied in him from the first time she saw them together, and which had never been quite absent from his manner in Stoller's presence.

But now, at the change in Burnamy's tone, he changed his manner a little. "Seen your friends since supper?" he asked. "Only a moment. They are rather tired, and they've gone to bed." That the fellow that edits that book you write for?" "Yes; he owns it, too." The notion of any sort of ownership moved Stoller's respect, and he asked more deferentially, "Makin' a good thing out of it?"