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What that System doesn't control isn't worth having it edits the news before our men get it, and as for grist for the divorce courts, and tragedies, well Hello, Jenkins, yes, a special extra. Change the big heads copy is on the way up rush it." "So you think this Parker case is a mess?" I asked. "I know it. That's a pretty swift bunch of females that have been speculating at Kerr Parker & Co.'s.

He will accept, partly because the sum will clear off the debt that hampers him, partly because he will take care that the amount becomes known; and that will help him to command higher terms for the sale of the remaining shares in the journal he now edits, for the new book which you told me he intended to write, and for the new journal which he will be sure to set up as soon as he has disposed of the old one.

I suppose I haven't seen you since then. He's a dwarfish fellow with only one eye. Mrs Boston Wright cries him up at every opportunity. 'Who IS Mrs Boston Wright? asked Reardon, laughing impatiently. 'Edits The English Girl, you know. She's had an extraordinary life. Was born in Mauritius no, Ceylon I forget; some such place. Married a sailor at fifteen.

He was correct. The Colonel appeared in the door a moment afterward with a dragoon revolver in his hand. He said, "Sir, have I the honor of addressing the poltroon who edits this mangy sheet?" "You have. Be seated, sir. Be careful of the chair, one of its legs is gone. I believe I have the honor of addressing the putrid liar, Colonel Blatherskite Tecumseh?" "Right, Sir.

One she wrote me, while I was seeing something in London, of an anarchist named Nicoll, who was a friend of William Morris and still edits Morris's old paper, is full of both appreciation and satire of a number of "radicals": "An old friend of Nicoll's used to talk to me by the hour about him.

His foul bitterness of speech finds its climax at length in a brutal onslaught upon Dr. Rush, for which he is prosecuted, convicted, and mulcted in a sum that breaks down his bookselling and interrupts the profits of his authorship. He retires to England, opens shop in Pall-Mall, and edits the "Porcupine," which bristles with envenomed arrows discharged against all Liberals and Democrats.

Gregory came to Littleburg, a complete stranger and when he married, she was a devoted church-member always went, and took great interest in all his schemes to help folks folks at a distance, you understand...She just devoured that religious magazine he edits yes, I'll admit, his religion shows up beautifully in print; the pictures of it are good, too. Old Mrs.

He then takes the typewritten original and works over it, sometimes sleeps over it, and edits it with the greatest care. In doing this, he usually calls upon his friends, or upon experts in the subject he is dealing with, for advice and suggestion.

Even he allows this peculiarity of the country does much good, but he maintains that it also does much harm, by causing pretenders to start up in all directions. Of this class he describes Mr. Dodge to be. This person, instead of working at the mechanical part of a press, to which he was educated, has the ambition to control its intellectual, and thus edits the Active Inquirer."

And at this moment Burghersdorp is out-Bonding the Bond: the reverend gentleman who edits its Dutch paper and dictates its Dutch policy sluices out weekly vials of wrath upon Hofmeyr and Schreiner for machinating to keep patriot Afrikanders off the oppressing Briton's throat. I went to see this reverend pastor, who is professor of a school of Dopper theology.