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Slaps and sharp words are penalties that suggest themselves alike to the least reclaimed barbarian and the stolidest peasant. Even brutes can use this method of discipline; as you may see in the growl and half-bite with which a bitch will check a too-exigeant puppy.

Why are you making those faces at me?" cried the boy indignantly. Farmer Blaize leaned round the Bantam to have a look at him, and beheld the stolidest mask ever given to man. "Bain't makin' no faces at nobody," growled the sulky elephant. The farmer commanded him to face about and finish.

The other did not flame out at Monsieur, but answered coldly: "I have no taste to be Navarre's vassal." "Better his than Spain's." Mayenne shrugged his shoulders, his face at its stolidest. "Well, I am no astrologer to read the future." Monsieur laid an emphatic hand on his host's shoulder. "But I read it, my friend.

Why are you making those faces at me?" cried the boy indignantly. Farmer Blaize leaned round the Bantam to have a look at him, and beheld the stolidest mask ever given to man. "Bain't makin' no faces at nobody," growled the sulky elephant. The farmer commanded him to face about and finish.

On this point Abélard quotes, with stolidest approval, one of the most heart-rending of anecdotes. A certain monk being asked why he had fled humankind, answered, on account of his great love for it, and the impossibility of loving God and it at the same time. Think upon that. Think on the wasted treasure of loving-kindness of which that monk and the thousands he represents cheated his fellow-men.