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There is one who lives next door to me to whom I have not spoken in five years. Yet when I saw him one day last spring heading for the suburbs in a pair of old trousers with a hoe in one hand and a box of celery plants in the other I felt that I loved the man. I used to think that stock-brokers were mere sordid calculating machines.

Men, by reason of their stolidity and deeper voices, can never be proficients in it; and they do not have so much practice unless they are stock-brokers. Ladies keep themselves in training in their ordinary calls.

Men, by reason of their stolidity and deeper voices, can never be proficients in it; and they do not have so much practice unless they are stock-brokers. Ladies keep themselves in training in their ordinary calls.

Mrs. Stowe's Uncle Tom was not a circumstance to any one of the dozens he points out. So honest! so truthful! so dear to the hearts of their former masters and mistresses! Ah! Messrs. stock-brokers of Wall Street you who are wont to cry up your rotten railroad, mining, steamboat and other worthless stocks for ingenious lying you should take lessons from the Southern negro trader!"

It binds me in with chains, as of iron. My thoughts are abroad. I should not so feel in Staffordshire. There is no home for me here. There is no sense of home at Hastings. It is a place of fugitive resort, an heterogeneous assemblage of sea-mews and stock-brokers, Amphitrites of the town, and misses that coquet with the Ocean.

The announcement does not seem to have created any great sensation; probably the majority of Americans were as sceptical as is the present writer as to the portentous nature of the awful Unspeakabilities which so many prosperous stock-brokers and suburban builders keep locked in their bosoms. But what followed naturally created a sensation of the most startling kind.

What we call success could never have yielded them so much, for the ways of authorship are dusty and stony, and the stones are only too handy for throwing at the few that, deservedly or undeservedly, make a name, and therewith about one-tenth of the wealth which is ungrudged to physicians, or barristers, or stock-brokers, or dentists, or electricians.

Jill poured out a cup of tea for her visitor, and looked at the clock. "I wonder where Uncle Chris has got to," she said. "He ought to be here by now. I hope he hasn't got into any mischief among the wild stock-brokers down at Brighton." Freddie laid down his cup on the table and uttered a loud snort. "Oh, Freddie, darling!" said Jill remorsefully. "I forgot!

The President's unfortunate phrase of "peace without victory"; the deportation of the Belgians, the recent leak in Washington to certain stock-brokers, and more and more imminent, the possibility of a state of war being recognized by the government. "If it comes," she said, gayly, "I shall go, of course. I shall go to France and sing them into battle.

At once he saw Herzog seated in the corner of a bay-window with one of the principal stock-brokers of Paris. He was speaking. The Prince went straight up to him. "Sorry to draw you away from the sweets of conversation," said he, smiling; "but your daughter is waiting for you, and is anxious at your not coming." "Faith! My daughter, yes. I will come and see you tomorrow," said he to his companion.