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It should be obvious that without the element of love, as the basis of selection, human reproduction must take on the same status as stock-breeding, which may for a time give the finest physical specimens of animal life, but which, if persisted in, finally results in decadence.

Lastly, dislodging this figure in turn and already pushing him westward as he had driven the Indian, a third type of historic man, the fixed settler, the land-loving, house-building, wife-bringing, child-getting, stock-breeding yeoman of the new field and pasture: this was the figure of the endless Future.

I guess we're fast enough for most folks." "What about his father?" said the stock-breeding Sharon. "Know anything about who he was?" "Lord, yes! Everybody round here used to know old Matthew Cowan. Lived up in Geneseo, where Dave was born, but used to come round here preaching. Queer old customer with a big head.

This condition means that the best bulls, with the finest heads, are constantly being selected and killed by sportsmen and others who want their heads; and the young, immature bulls are left to do the breeding that alone will sustain the species. It is a well-known principle in stock-breeding that sires should be fully adult, of maximum strength, and in the prime of life.

Boer simply means farmer, as a rule the proprietor of a farm of about 3,000 to 10,000 acres, who combines stock-breeding with a variety of other farming enterprises as well, according to the soil and locality. As a national designation, the term "Boer" conveys the distinction from the recently arrived Dutchman, who is called "Hollander."

He related some of the things he had in his mind the insurance of workmen against illness and unemployment, the payment of pensions for persons over a certain age. He told of how unemployment might be largely eliminated by developments in the countryside, through new methods of agriculture, through light railways, through afforestation, through stock-breeding, through the reclamation of land.

The spirit is distilled both for home consumption and for purposes of sale, in some villages almost entirely for sale. In, the Jaintia Hills stock-breeding and dealing in cattle provides occupation for 1,295 people, according to the last census.

In the solution of this problem of diverting trade probably the factor of greatest importance, next to open pathways through the mountain barriers, was the rich stock-breeding ground lying between the Delaware and the Susquehanna rivers, a region occupied by the settlers familiarly known as the Pennsylvania Dutch.

Stock-breeding and the care of animals is rapidly becoming a science. Farming bids fair soon to become one of the skilled occupations. Such, then, is a brief view of the situation of which the rural school is a part. It ministers to the education of almost half of the American people.

In the following table we have attempted to provide a general scheme for the classification of historical facts, founded on the nature of the conditions and of the manifestations of activity. Handwriting. B. Arts of expression, music, dance, literature. B. Clothes and personal adornment. C. Dwellings and furniture. IV. ECONOMIC CUSTOMS. Production: A. Agriculture and stock-breeding.