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He had more money than anyone in Hedgeville or anywhere near it, and yet he was the stingiest, closest fisted old man in town." "There you are!" "Still I think Mr. Holmes must be a whole lot richer than Farmer Weeks, or than all the other people in Hedgeville put together. And it doesn't seem as if there was any money he could make out of Zara or me that would tempt him to do what he's done."

He had old women, who had not thought a frivolous thought in fifty years, teetering over dressing doll babies. He shamed the stingiest man in the town into giving him a flour sack full of the most disgraceful-looking candy I ever saw. "William!" I exclaimed, when he brought home this last trophy, "you will kill them."

"I can't tell, and no man can tell, how long they will keep what I give them, or how long it will be before the stingiest and wisest get their shares away from the weak; but that is no more reason why I should not give this money than it is a reason why the Lord Almighty should not furnish us all with fingers and toes, and our five senses, and our stomachs."

"We don't take people on the cars for nothing," said the conductor, decidedly. "If you can't pay, you can't ride." "Weel, it's the rich anes that's aye the stingiest, shure enough," replied the man, more to himself than to the brass-buttoned figure before him. "But ye widna fin' the like o' yersel' owre in ma kintry, let me tell ye!

You would make a wonderful writer, I believe, you would make a lot of money writing stories, Florence." "No, I wouldn't, Mummy, not really. It takes a good deal to be a good story-writer." "Well, go on, pet, I am all agog to hear." So Florence related also the story of the cherry ribbons. "Wasn't it like Aunt Susan?" she said. "Just," exclaimed the mother; "the stingiest old cat in existence."

The general theory about him was that advancing years had developed his natural closeness into the stingiest avariciousness. But my notion is he was impelled by the fear of exciting envy, by the fear of assassination the fear that made his eyes roam restlessly whenever strangers were near him, and so dried up the inside of his body that his dry tongue was constantly sliding along his dry lips.

"But I got in one dig on my own hook. 'The sheriff don't wait much down to your house, Abner, does he? says I. 'You bet he don't, says he; 'he don't have to. 'Well, he'd starve to death if he waited there long, says I. Ho, ho! His wife's the stingiest woman about her cookin' that there is on the Cape.

Peter Grimm, notoriously the stingiest man in Pleasantville, who raised the sourest apples in the town and spent most of his time watching the boys and picking up what fruit rolled outside of the fence, bided his time with watchful ferret eyes until a promising-looking package came along.

"You all time talking 'bout you want more 'n one egg," said Jimmy. "You 'bout the stingiest Peter they is. Ain't you got no eggs? Get Miss Minerva to give you some of hers and I'll take 'em over and ask Miss Cecilia to dye 'em for you 'cause you ain't 'quainted with her yet." "Aunt Minerva ain't got none 'cep'in' what she put under a of hen fer to set this mornin':"

The woman was known to be the stingiest of small great persons in London, her economies were noted, and this incident was even better than many others society had already rejoiced over. The picture raised in the minds of the hearers of her Grace foiled in the purchase of stockings marked down to 1s. 11-1/2d. would be a source of rapture for some time to come. And Emily's face!