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"I'll risk it with the dragoon revolvers," replied Banion, indicating his holsters. "Not the first time for them, either." "No? Well, maybe-so they'll do; but fer me, I want a hunk o' lead. Fer approachin' a buffler, still-huntin', the rifle's good, fer ye got time an' kin hold close. Plenty o' our men'll hunt thataway to-day, an' git meat; but fer me, give me a hunk o' lead.

So th' second mornin' out settled their still-huntin'. "Then they wanted brother 'n' me t' still-hunt while they laid round camp, I guess, 'n' boozed, th' way they smelled 'n' talked nights when we got in. "'N' still-hunt we did, plumb faithful, 'n' hard 's ever in our lives when we was in bad need o' th' meat, for several days; 'n' would youse believe it? We never got a single shot.

Don't believe we'd even 'a started, though, if we hadn't known two days at th' most 'd cure them o' still-huntin'. Gettin' out 'fore sun-up, with every log in th' brules frosted slippery 's ice 'n' every bunch o' brush a pitfall, climbin' 'n' slidin' jumpin' 'n' balancin, any 'n' every kind o' leg motion 'cept plain honest walkin, was several sizes too big a order for them.

One er them wouldn't come er still-huntin' 'thout er rifle-gun, an' with er barkin' dawg." "Well, I'm glad that's settled," answered Donald, uttering a forced laugh. "My arms are getting tired, held up like this, and, as you have a rifle and I haven't, I suggest that I be allowed to resume a more natural position." Without waiting for the permission, he dropped his hands to the bank beside him.