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Remembering a meadow in New England where stellaris nested, I concluded to wait till chance took me thither, and passed on. This ridge of higher ground proved to be a mosquito roost a thousand here to one in the deeper, denser grass. As I hurried across I noted with great satisfaction that the pink-white blossoms of the spreading dogbane were covered with mosquito carcasses.

This was duly recorded by me in the 'Zoologist' for 1872, and is, I believe, the first recorded instance of its occurrence in the Channel Islands. It is not mentioned in Professor Ansted's list, and there is no specimen in the Museum. BITTERN. Botaurus stellaris, Linnaeus. French, "Heron grand butor," "Le grand butor."

I advanced cautiously. Soon one flashed out and whipped back among the thick stems again, exposing himself just long enough to show me stellaris, the little short-billed wren I was hunting. I tried to stand still for a second glimpse and a clue to the nest; but the mosquitos!

It is mentioned both in the Old and the New Testament. Under a kind of fig-tree Buddha acquired wisdom in the paths of religion, and therefore the tree is called Ficus religiosa. Nymphæa stellaris, the lotus flower, which, like the water-lily, floats on water, is another plant of great renown among Buddhists. The lotus is an emblem of their religion, as the Cross is of Christianity.

The 'bittern, Stellaris, are you listening, aunty?" "Oh, yes, I'm listening. Go on." " 'is of a reddish yellow color, with spots of black. It makes a strange noise in the night; usually Krawy! Krawy! but sometimes Uplumb! Uplumb! The hen lays four biggish eggs. Do you know what I am reading, aunty? What was the last thing?" "Yes, yes, I heard.