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Plush, try for the sake of your sincere friend and admirer, A. "'P.S. I leave the wedding-dresses behind for her: the diamonds are beautiful, and will become Mrs. Plush admirably. "This was hall! Confewshn! And there stood the footmen sniggerin, and that hojus Mary Hann half a cryin, half a laffing at me! It was Silvertop then! "I bust out of the house in a stayt of diamoniacal igsitement!

"I may stayt here that in privit convasations with old Lord B. and his son, I had mayd my proposals for Hangelina, and was axepted, and hoped soon to be made the appiest gent in Hengland. "'You must break the matter gently to her, said her hexlent father. 'You have my warmest wishes, my dear Mr.

During the astonishing Chorus of the Prisoners, over which the delightful voice of the actress rose and soared in the most ravishing harmony, the English lady's face wore such an expression of wonder and delight that it struck even little Fipps, the blase attache, who drawled out, as he fixed his glass upon her, "Gayd, it really does one good to see a woman caypable of that stayt of excaytement."

"Well, now, Mawse Chawlie, I gwan t' ass you a riddle. If dat is so, den fo' w'y I yeh folks bragg'n 'bout de 'stayt o' s'iety in Eu'ope'?" The mincing drollery with which she used this fine phrase brought another peal of laughter. Nobody tried to guess. "I gwan tell you," said the marchande; "'t is becyaze dey got a 'fixed wuckin' class." She sputtered and giggled with the general ha, ha.