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Any one what can't see that's blind." "But I'm not blind." "Well, then you gotta admit they look alike as twins " "But I've known twins who didn't look alike," said P.S. "Ah, nix on the stallin'!" George insisted, on the verge of losing his temper. "Molly Lessing's the spit-'n'-image of Marian Blessington and you know it. What's more look at their names? Molly for Mary you make that?

Is it parlor etiquette? Then me for that. I'll take lessons. I'm willin' to be as refined and genteel as anybody if that's what I lack." "That's fair enough," says I, still stallin'. "You see," says Garvey, "this kind of a deal is a new one on us.

Had Ernie just been stallin' me off tryin' to establish an alibi? Or was it a case of poor memory? No, that didn't seem likely. She wasn't the kind of a female party a man could forget easy, if he'd ever really known her. Specially a gink like Ernie who'd had such a limited experience. Nor she wasn't the type that would go out cruisin' in a cab after perfect strangers. Not her.

And I must have been stallin' along that line for a week or more until the forenoon when Vee blows in unexpected durin' a shoppin' trip and announces that I may take her out to luncheon. "Fine!" says I. "Just as soon as I give two more letters to Miss Casey."

And you're stallin' for time till you can put one over. But you can't see? I'll have this business done with. I'll end this business!" She felt herself sinking to her knees. He advanced and gripped her left wrist. The crunch of his iron fingers sent an arrow of pain through her arm. It bore her down. "For God's sake don't!" she whispered hoarsely, overwhelmed with horror.

This dog he's just showed me 's named Alcyfras. He's been runnin' out on the coast 'n' he's a mutt he can't beat a fat man. Harms sees him one day at Oakland, 'n' has a guy buy him. "Harms brings this pup back East. He has his papers 'n' description all regular. The guy that buys him ain't wise he's just a boob Harms is stallin' with.

His last play of hidin' his head when the Agnes had been held up by a gunboat had got 'most everybody aboard lookin' squint-eyed at him. Even Mrs. Mumford had crossed him off her hero list. Just what his final fluke was I'm only givin' a guess at, but I judge that when Mr. Ellins called on him to point out the pirate hoard, now we were right on the ground, Rupert begun stallin' him off.

"T'anks, mum," said the Flopper again, "but I couldn't. You needs it, an' I can get along widout it. Dey're stallin' on me, but I can get dere by myself if any one'll show me de way." "I'll show you, mister," piped a shrill voice and young Holmes on his crutch hopped into the circle. "I'll show you, mister an' 'tain't fur, neither." "Swipe me!" muttered the Flopper, as he surveyed the lad.

"In that light anybody that wanted to could get a bead on us." Hearing heavy, hurrying footsteps approaching, they stood up well back against the iron braces. "Police!" whispered Johnny. "You fellows shoot?" demanded one of the policemen as they came up and halted before the two boys. "Nope," Johnny answered. "No stallin' now." "Search us," Johnny suggested.

But listen here, Ed, I get the idee this party's worth nursin' along. I dunno, something about him. That's why I'm tellin' you. I want it done right. Course, I could do enough stallin' muself t' cop the twenty; tell him Julius Caesar or the King of China or somebody, but I ain't got the follow-up, an' you can't tell how much he might be good for later. Take my tip: he's a natural born believer.