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As they had approached the old mine its near proximity was made disagreeably evident by the quantity of moisture that oozed through the crevices in the rocks moisture which ere long took the form of a number of tiny rills and at last began to spirt out from roof and sides in such a way that the miners became alarmed, and hesitated to continue to work in a place where they ran the most imminent risk of being suddenly drowned and swept into the sea, by the bursting of the rocks that still withstood the immense pressure of the confined water.

He dropped into a chair, and laughed. Immediately afterwards, a great spirt of blood burst from his nose. 'How does that happen? asked Riderhood. 'I don't know. I can't keep it back. It has happened twice three times four times I don't know how many times since last night. I taste it, smell it, see it, it chokes me, and then it breaks out like this.

His great exertions caused the blood to spirt from his nostrils and smear the front of his body. After running a while he heard footsteps, and turning saw an Indian with a spear but a few yards behind him. Being exhausted, and fearing that at any moment the spear might be hurled at him, he concluded to surprise the Indian.

But, Madge? Madge? I'd swear to the girl! 'Not so hard as I, said Gower, and spoke of the oath to come between the girl and him. Fleetwood's dive into the girl's eyes drew her before him. He checked a spirt of exclamations. 'You fancy the brute had a crack for revenge and mistook his man? 'That's what I want her ladyship to know, said Gower. 'How could you let her hear of it?

So saying, I scratched a match upon the floor, and, as the sergent-de-ville and the gendarme advanced, threw the light of the blue spirt of sulphurous flame upon them. In a moment more the match went out, and we remained in the demi-twilight of the distant lantern. The marchand des armures stood petrified and aghast.

At dusk a balsam was felled, and the tips of the branches used to make a bed, which was more fragrant than soft; hemlock is better, because its needles are finer and its branches more elastic. There was a spirt or two of rain during the night, but not enough to find out the leaks in our roof. It took the shower or series of showers of the next day to do that.

He substituted the street with the green blind for the faded garden of Watteau, and the "blue spirt of a lighted match" for the monotony of the evening star. Before leaving him it should be added that he was fitted to deepen the Victorian mind, but not to broaden it.

I sounded her and I cannot trust her. I could send her packing, but Jarvey is not much better, and talks when he is drunk. The girl must be got from here. Mr. Thomasson raised his eyebrows scornfully. 'You need not sneer, you fool! Pomeroy cried with a little spirt of rage. 'Tis no harder than to get her here. 'Where will you take her? 'To Tamplin's farm by the river.

It always brings on a headache with me. She got up to follow her daughter, but half-way to the door she thought better of it, and came back to her seat. Good mother! she hoped the better to conceal the unusual spirt of temper, by pretending not to take much notice of it.

We seem to move on a thin crust which may at any moment be rent by the subterranean forces slumbering below. From time to time a hollow murmur underground or a sudden spirt of flame into the air tells of what is going on beneath our feet.