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Not for a long time had he enjoyed himself so much. "Better begin with Chief Big Bill," he suggested. "No, I wouldn't make that move if I was you, Mr. Macy. This old gun is liable to go off accidental in your direction and she spatters like hell. That's the idee. Be reasonable. Not that I give a hoot, but a man hadn't ought to let his impulses run away with his judgment, as the old sayin' is."

At the last moment Thursday changed his mind and substituted the shotgun for the rifle. "Old muley she spatters all over the State of Texas. I might git two at once," he muttered. The light, distant murmur of voices reached him. His trained ear told him just how far away the speakers were.

It is a fine thing one of the finest of all to see and smell the rain in a corn-field after weeks of drought. How it comes softly out of gray skies, the first drops throwing up spatters of dust and losing themselves in the dry soil.

The Apaches were turning the side of the globe into lacework. How far those rays penetrated into the interior they could not guess. Movement at one of the holes, the chattering burst of machine-gun fire, spatters of soil and gravel into their faces; they could be cut to pieces by that! The hole enlarged, a scream ... cut off....

When he returned, there was a deep wrinkle on his brow, but no change in his habits and avocations, except that, shortly afterwards, he accepted office, and thus became more busy than ever. Mr. Egerton had always been lavish and magnificent in money spatters. A rich man in public life has many claims on his fortune, and no one yielded to those claims with in air so regal as Audley Egerton.

One company was more horrified over having found a German tied to a trench parados to be killed by British shell fire as a field punishment than by the horrors of other men equally mashed and torn, or at having crawled over the moist bodies of the dead, or slept among them, or been covered with spatters of blood and flesh for that incident struck home with a sense of brutal militarism which was the thing in their minds against which they were fighting.

The C.O. lifted a curtain of bagging as you might lift a hanging over an alcove bookcase, and a young officer, rising from his blankets in his house in the trench wall to a stooping posture, said that all was quiet. His uniform seemed fleckless. Was it possible that he wore some kind of cloth which shed mud spatters?

"Please what?" asked his mother, who had forgotten the pig. "Henry!" said Paul. "If you could see how he scratches and scratches and how the behind of his ears is all scabs he's so bitten." "Wouldn't Eugenia and Vincent Marsh love this conversation?" thought Marise, turning the meat in the pan and starting back from the spatters of hot fat.

She did not think of applying at any of the houses for shelter, or of asking for food; she had but one wish, to get home to dear mamma. By-and-by the tired feet began to flag, but she felt no more spatters, and she was glad that she had left the shower behind. It was lighter, too; she could run faster than the night.

I fancy it knew me: it pushed its nose against mine by way of salute, and then hastened to devour the porridge; while I groped from step to step, collecting the shattered earthenware, and drying the spatters of milk from the banister with my pocket-handkerchief.