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But the next morning being the 20 of Iuly, as God would, the storme ceased, and the Generall espying the ships with his new Captiue and whole company, came happily abord, and reported what had passed a shoare, whereupon altogither vpon our knees we gaue God humble and hartie thankes, for that it had pleased him, from so speedy peril to send vs such speedy deliuerance, and so from this Northerne shore we stroke ouer towards the Southerland.

Can this Anlaf be the original of the legendary Alane, thane of Sutherland, whom Macbeth, according to Sir Robert Gordon in his Genealogie of the Earles of Southerland, put to death, and whose son, Walter, Malcolm Canmore is said to have created first Earl? Or was Alane, like others, a creation of Sir Robert's inventive brain?

It meant a thousand dollars to her " He shrugged his shoulders, looked up, and, as though rather surprised to see Gatewood still there, smiled an impersonal smile and offered his hand in adieu. Gatewood winced. "Could I I see Miss Southerland?" he asked. "I am afraid not. She is at this moment following my instructions to but that cannot interest you now " "Yes, it does! if you don't mind.

"Did you know that your mother and I were children together?" he asked. "No!" She stared. "Is that why you sent for me that day at the school of stenography?" "That is why . . . When I learned that my playmate your mother was dead, is it not reasonable to suppose that I should wish her daughter to have a chance?" Miss Southerland looked at him steadily.

I'm convinced that her eyes began with a b. They were not, therefore, gray or green, because," he added in a burst of confidence, "it is utterly impossible to spell gray or green with a b!" Miss Southerland looked slightly astonished. "All you can recollect, then, is that the color of her eyes began with the letter b?" "That is absolutely all I can remember; but I think they were brown."

From what has been above stated, it will appear that we have treated the well known history, intituled The Genealogie and Pedigree of the Earles of Southerland and written down to 1630 by Sir Robert Gordon, Baronet of Gordonstoun, and continued by Gilbert Gordon of Sallach until 1651, as mere fiction as regards all persons before William, first Earl.

When one of my agents discovered where this person was, I was rather happy; for I have taken a peculiar personal interest in your case. However " "Mr. Keen," said Gatewood, "if you could understand how ashamed and mortified I am at my own conduct " Keen gazed pensively out of the window. "I also am sorry; Miss Southerland was to have received a handsome bonus for her discovery "

Before the expedition could get away, however, Commodore Remey cabled the Secretary of the Navy from Key West that two Spanish war-ships an armored cruiser and a torpedo-boat destroyer had been seen in Nicholas Channel, off the northern coast of Cuba, on the night of June 7, by Lieutenant W. H. H. Southerland of the United States gunboat Eagle.

"Alane Southerland, Thane of Southerland," Walter "first Earle," Robert, second earl, who is alleged to have founded "Dounrobin Castell" were purely fictitious persons. "Hugh Southerland, Earle of Southerland nicknamed Freskin" existed, but never was an earl, as Sir Robert well knew, because he quotes charters right up to his death, in which he was styled simply Hugo Freskyn.

Keen touched an electric button; a moment later a young girl entered the room. "Miss Southerland, Mr. Gatewood. Will you be kind enough to take Mr. Gatewood's dictation in Room 19?"