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In spite of the fact that he had scorned her, had thrown her aside for another, she had had on his account many a soul-rending struggle with her conscience, with her better self. She knew that a word from her, and his prison doors would open to a free world. Time and again this word had trembled on her lips unuttered. She knew also that it was not hate of North that kept her silent.

"Garnish-tinselled wands" "shackle-scorning Reason" "isolation of the heart" "soul-rending eloquence" with "rocks and woods, and a meandering river balmy air moonlight Orlando energy of intellect a cottage and a heart-broken friend," made, when all mixed together, strange confusion in Angelina's imagination.

As the first day and night of illness dragged slowly past she grew to be nothing but one great ache of yearning over her sick boy, a most soul-rending yearning to do what she knew was for ever impossible, to put her arms so close round him, so close, so carefully, so tenderly, that nothing, no evil, no pain, could get through that clasp of love to hurt him any more.

And, when they had obeyed, "He's around back of the house by a kind of shed," said Joe. "I think something's wrong. Come on, I'll show him to you." But behind the house, whither they followed him in vague, strange hope, he checked them. "LOOK THERE!" he said. His pointing finger was not needed. Sounds of paroxysm drew their attention sufficiently sounds most poignant, soul-rending, and lugubrious.

"He was as good as his word, Mr O'Donnell, and though he had advised the contrary, we that is to say, my mother, my husband, our two old servants and I sat up in one of the rooms close at hand. "Eleven, twelve, one, two, and three o'clock struck, and we were beginning to wish we had taken his advice and gone to bed, when we heard the most appalling, agonising, soul-rending screams for help.

She knew that her brother would never admit that there was any reason for the soul-rending anxiety with which she waited the captain's return. But whatever happened, or whatever he might think about what should happen, she wanted Ralph with her. She felt herself more truly alone than she had ever been in her life.

And suddenly drowning all other sounds, a superhuman, soul-rending cry rang out, and a continuous moan floated softly over the room and died out in the corners, which were filled now with the twilight. Ignat cast stern glances at the ikons, heaved a deep sigh and thought: "Is it possible that it's again a daughter?"

"Yes," Violet answers, in a strange, mirthless tone, while there is a smile on her dry lips. "You must care for him so much that he cannot help loving you. Oh, my darling, the only joy of all this dreary world is love!" If Denise could hear her young mistress utter that in such a soul-rending tone, her heart would break. Grandon meanwhile ponders the future, their future.

My own parent to call him 'unworthy! and then forbid him to speak!" At this point a shriek from her lips would lift the father to his feet, the cold drops of agony on his brow. That soul-rending cry he had heard before, but it lost none of its horrors by being repeated.

Slipping out of bed to grope for flint and steel wherewith to strike a light, with soul-rending shock he ran his forehead full butt against the open door of his room. "De'il tak' it! What's this?" he bellowed. It was inconceivable that he had forgotten to close and lock that door before getting into bed, however much brandy he might have drunk overnight. What was the meaning of it?